Realizing that the place where they fled and built a tent was not far from the Office of
Social Affairs, they then tried to meet an official equal to the head of the field and tell
them about the problems and basic needs needed, mainly rice, proper blankets for the
tent. But for various reasons and had to wait days to get what he asked for.
While at almost the same time, and several days in a row, the need for similar
assistance that had previously been requested, by several others, was immediately
provided in sufficient quantities, it was later discovered that the other victims referred
to were close relatives of the officials concerned.
Injustice in the distribution of aid, not only violates humanitarian principles, further
risks creating pressure that can threaten the safety of the survivors, as well as create
disillusionment with local government authorities.
Because of the questions mentioned, it is not surprising that approximately one week
after the disaster, the survivors in the Donggala area eventually died due to starvation.
Menyadari ternyata tempat mereka menyelamatkan diri dan membangun tenda tidak jauh dari
Kantor Sosial, untuk selanjutnya berusaha bertemu pejabat setara kepala bidang dan menceritakan
masalah dan kebutuhan dasar yang dibutuhkan utamanya beras, selimut tenda yang layak. Namun
dengan berbagai alasan dan harus menunggu berhari hari baru mendapatkan sedikit yang
Sementara pada waktu hampir bersamaan, serta beberapa hari berturut-turut kebutuhan bantuan
serupa yang sebelumnya telah diminta, oleh beberapa yang lain, seketika diberikan dalam jumlah
memadai, belakangan diketahui korban yang lain sebagaimana dimaksud adalah kerabat dekat
pejabat terkait.
Ketidakadilan dalam pendistribusian bantuan, tidak hanya melanggar prinsip-prinsip kemanusiaan,
lebih jauh beresiko menimbulkan tekanan yang dapat mengancam keamanan para penyintas, serta
menimbulkan kekecewaan terhadap otoritas pemerintahan setempat.
Karena soal-soal dimaksud, tidak heran lebih kurang satu minggu pasca bencana, penyintas di
wilayah Donggala pada akhirnya meregang nyawa karena kelaparan.
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