Literature Kekacuan Perang bagi Pengungsi
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In English
persecution or other serious human rights violations. whether for reasons of race, nationality, religion or political opinion. Most of the refugees were unable to return to their homeland because they were too afraid of the danger to return. They are sometimes referred to as Asylum Seekers. Until that person has been granted “refugee” status by UNHCR, the person and status as a refugee does not depend on official registration with UNHCR or the government of the country hosting the asylum seeker. Refugees who do not apply for asylum and those who apply for asylum but are denied by UNHCR or national authorities retain refugee status. Two decades ago Salima Rehman was one of the few refugee girls who attended Barakat Elementary School in the western city of Islamabad. capital city of pakistan Now, at 29, she is standing in front of a class of about 30 refugee girls at the same school in white doctor gowns. “Anyone here wants to be a doctor?” she asked with a smile. About 12 hands were raised in the floor. “So good that you want to grow up to be a doctor. Study harder and never give up,” she told the children. Her father, Abdul, swore to himself that if his son could survive, He will do whatever it takes for himself or his daughter to get an education and become a doctor. He fulfilled his promise and encouraged his daughter to attend school. Despite facing criticism from his own community, many among them were unhappy with the idea of giving girls the desire to go out and get married. Salima fulfilled her dream earlier this year. She opened a private clinic in Attok to serve refugees and local women struggling to find affordable access to health care. Success at this point is accumulating years of schoolwork and dedication that goes beyond crossing “When I was a child I didn't know my refugee status,” she said, “but I started to find out when my classmates were accepted to colleges. In tertiary and I did not because I was a refugee. cultural norms. Her refugee status was another obstacle she had to overcome. Salima tried to apply for two years until she was chosen as the only refugee of the year to study medicine in Pakistan's Punjab state. She made a specialization in gynecology after being selected as a resident doctor at Rawalpindi Holy Family Hospital in Punjab. Today, Salima's story and her work are making a difference. Some of the most anti-education of girls in her community called Salima to seek health advice for their wives, daughters and sisters. and many have sent their daughters to school in the hope that the children will follow
the path of Salima as well.In Indonesian
Sukses pada titik ini adalah mengumpulkan tahun-tahun tugas sekolah dan dedikasi yang melampaui penyeberangan “Ketika saya masih kecil saya tidak tahu status pengungsi saya,” katanya, “tetapi saya mulai menemukan keluar ketika teman sekelas saya diterima di perguruan tinggi. Di tersier dan saya tidak melakukannya karena saya pengungsi. norma budaya. Status pengungsinya adalah kendala lain yang harus dia atasi. Salima mencoba melamar selama dua tahun sampai dia terpilih sebagai satu-satunya pengungsi tahun ini untuk belajar kedokteran di negara bagian Punjab Pakistan. Dia membuat spesialisasi dalam ginekologi setelah terpilih sebagai dokter residen di Rumah Sakit Keluarga Suci Rawalpindi di Punjab. Hari ini, kisah Salima dan karyanya membuat perbedaan. Beberapa yang paling anti-pendidikan
gadis-gadis di komunitasnya yang disebut Salima untuk mencari nasihat kesehatan bagi istri, anak perempuan dan saudara perempuan. dan banyak yang menyekolahkan putrinya dengan harapan anak-anak akan mengikuti jalan Salima juga.In Makassar
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