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In English
Politics is an unavoidable topic in everyday conversations, involving various groups, from young people to the elderly. However, there is a trend where more older people are involved in politics than young people. Several factors may influence young people's lack of interest in politics. These factors include, among others, a lack of adequate political education, a sense of dissatisfaction with a political system that they may feel does not reflect their needs, and a feeling that their participation will not have a significant impact. Apart from that, lack of trust in political leaders and political institutions can also be an obstacle. Efforts are needed to increase political awareness and foster young people's interest in the political process so that they can become an active part in shaping the country's future.
This is usually due to the fact that the younger generation views politics as something that is unclear and full of excessive debates that only aim to gain sympathizers. In addition, due to the many cases of slanted politics such as corruption and silencing of the press, the image of politics is increasingly declining.
Young people are indifferent to politics because they lack awareness of PKN itself. They are indifferent to existing democracy, because of the government's poor performance which makes young people distrustful. Young people also tend to be divided based on their identity, because they only follow the current of a certain group, whether they are trendy or those who have the same identity (tend to be in their area of origin).
Young people may tend to be indifferent to politics because of differences in views and backgrounds regarding politics itself. Some of those involved in politics may utilize the privileges they received from their parents as a background or stepping stone for their career.
There are several factors that influence young people's indifference to political issues. First, a lack of Citizenship Education (PKN) education could be one of the causes. Second, the existence of identity and cultural politics also contributes to shaping young people's attitudes towards politics. Third, environmental background influences, such as family and peers, also play an important role in shaping their political views. Apart from that, globalization and the way the media discusses politics also play a role in making young people apathetic towards democracy.Overall, the lack of Citizenship Education (PKN), the existence of identity and cultural politics, and the influence of environmental background are among the factors that influence young people's indifference to political issues. Apart from that, the influence of globalization and how the media reviews politics also contributes to young people's apathy towards democracy. To increase the participation of the younger generation in the political realm, efforts need to be made to improve civic education, nurture political diversity, and create an environment that encourages understanding and active involvement in democracy.
In Indonesian
Ini biasanya disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa generasi muda menganggap politik sebagai sesuatu yang tidak jelas dan penuh dengan perdebatan yang berlebihan yang hanya bertujuan untuk mendapatkan simpatisan. Ditambah lagi, karena banyaknya kasus politik miring seperti korupsi dan pembungkaman pers, citra politik kian merosot.
anak muda itu acuh akan politik karena mereka kurang kesadarannya akan PKN itu sendiri mereka itu sudah masa bodoh sama demokrasi yang ada, karena adanya faktor pemerintah yang kurang baik kinerjanya jadi membuat anak muda tidak percaya. Anak muda juga cenderung terkotak-kotak kan berdasarkan identitas mereka, karena mereka hanya ikut arus dari suatu klompok tertentu, baik itu yang trendy maupun yang sama sama memiliki identitas yang sama (cenderung pada daerah asal).
Anak muda mungkin cenderung acuh terhadap politik karena adanya perbedaan pandangan dan latar belakang mengenai politik itu sendiri. Beberapa di antara mereka yang terlibat dalam politik mungkin lebih memanfaatkan keistimewaan yang diperoleh dari orang tua sebagai latar belakang atau batu loncatan mereka untuk berkarir.
Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi ketidakpedulian anak muda terhadap isu politik. Pertama, kurangnya pendidikan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) dapat menjadi salah satu penyebabnya. Kedua, adanya politik identitas dan budaya turut berkontribusi dalam membentuk sikap anak muda terhadap politik. Ketiga, pengaruh latar belakang lingkungan, seperti keluarga dan teman sebaya, juga memainkan peran penting dalam membentuk pandangan politik mereka. Selain itu, globalisasi dan cara media membahas politik juga berperan dalam membuat anak muda menjadi apatis terhadap demokrasi.
Secara keseluruhan, kurangnya pendidikan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN), adanya politik identitas dan budaya, serta pengaruh latar belakang lingkungan termasuk dalam faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ketidakpedulian anak muda terhadap isu politik. Selain itu, pengaruh globalisasi dan bagaimana media mengulas politik juga berkontribusi terhadap sikap apatis anak muda terhadap demokrasi. Untuk meningkatkan partisipasi generasi muda dalam ranah politik, perlu dilakukan upaya meningkatkan pendidikan kewarganegaraan, merawat keberagaman politik, dan membentuk lingkungan yang mendorong pemahaman dan keterlibatan aktif dalam demokrasi.In Makassar
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