Literature Bencana Alam

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

natural disasters occurred in Indonesia, starting from January 1 to May 14, 2022. From the data

During these conditions, floods and extreme weather dominate the disasters that occur. Frequent volcanic eruptions triggering a series of other disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis did not occur during this period. The series of disasters has caused many victims, among them 87 people died world, 625 people were injured, 11 people were missing, and 1,916,950 people suffered and had to evacuate caused casualties, a series of disasters also caused various damages, in including 22,924 houses with light to severe damage intensity, 376 educational facilities, 160 houses of worship, and 64 health facilities. Due to floods and extreme weather, it became a disaster that was quite dominating in the early 2022 period. Floods were recorded at 592 events, while extreme weather events were recorded at 550 events very saddened by the unfortunate incident which became a disaster for the people who affected by natural disasters and they take refuge in a place that is not affected by flooding etc Be empathetic towards people affected by the disaster, donate money to those who have fled Opening a donation to help voluntarily donate in the form of money, clothes

and basic necessities and then distribute them to disaster victims.

In Indonesian

kejadian bencana alam terjadi di Indonesia, terhitung sejak 1 Januari hingga 14 Mei 2022. Dari data

tersebut, banjir dan cuaca ekstrem mendominasi bencana yang terjadi.Erupsi gunung berapi yang kerap memicu serangkaian bencana lain seperti gempa bumi dan tsunami tidak terjadi pada periode tersebut. Serangkaian bencana tersebut telah menyebabkan banyak korban, di antaranya 87 orang meninggal dunia, 625 orang luka-luka, 11 orang hilang, dan 1.916.950 orang menderita dan harus mengungsi.Selain menyebabkan korban jiwa, sederet bencana tersebut juga menimbulkan berbagai kerusakan, di antaranya 22.924 rumah dengan intensitas kerusakan ringan hingga berat, 376 fasilitas pendidikan, 160 rumah ibadah, dan 64 fasilitas kesehatan. Karena banjir dan cuaca ekstrem menjadi bencana yang cukup mendominasi pada periode awal 2022. Banjir tercatat sebanyak 592 kejadian, sedangkan cuaca ekstrem tercatat sebanyak 550 kejadian sangat bersedih hati atas kejadian musibah yang sangat menjadi bencana tersebut bagi rakyat yang terkena bencana alam dan mereka mengungsi di tempat yang tidak terkena banjir dll

bersikap empati terhadap orang yang terkena musibah menyumbangkan uang kepada yang mengungsi. Membuka donasi untuk membantu dengan suka rela menyumbangkan baik berupa uang,pakaian maupun sembako lalu mendistribusikannya kepada para korban bencana.

In Makassar

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