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|Page Title id=Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi
|Page Title id=Lembaga yang Menangani para Pengungsi
|Page Title en=Institutions that Handle Refugees
|Page Title en=Institutions that Handle Refugees
|Description text=The Deputy for Coordination of Security and Public Order at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Carlo B. Tewu, revealed that the problem of refugees in Indonesia has become a serious concern for the Indonesian government. According to Carlo, the government has made various efforts to deal with the refugee issue. This was conveyed at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 Concerning the Handling of Refugees From Abroad, in Bali, April 4 2018. "Various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government in handling refugees from abroad, among others through the establishment the desk for handling refugees from abroad and people smuggling by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," said Carlo as quoted from a press release from the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Wednesday (4/4/2018). In addition, continued Carlo, the government has issued Presidential Decree No. 125/2016 and strengthen coordination with related Ministries/Agencies and Agencies in the regions. According to Carlo, the participation of local governments is the key in handling refugees from abroad as regulated in Presidential Decree no. 125/2016. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Yunizar revealed, one example The implementation of Presidential Regulation 125 Year 2016 has not been maximized is the involvement of local governments in allocating APBD to deal with these foreign refugees. According to him, the rights that are not fulfilled are detrimental to refugees and searchers asylum. "They can wait 25 years before being transferred to the destination country. During that waiting time, they do not get access to jobs and education," he explained. Meanwhile, National Program Officer L-Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Fransisca Dwi Indah Asmiarsi said that access to work for foreign refugees is crucial so that they can survive. "For those who occupy the immigration detention house, it is very difficult for them," he said. In contrast to foreign refugees who mingle with the local community. They have more opportunities to find work, even if just to survive. "We have observed that in Bogor, there is a good relationship between foreign refugees and the local community," he said. According to him, what is seen in Bogor is only one example of success. Elsewhere, it turns out that there are many problems faced. The foreign refugees also asked to be able to occupy the detention house. The problem, he said, was that immigration detention centers in Indonesia, such as in Kalideres, Pekanbaru and Medan, were already over capacity. They had to be rejected. In the end, the foreign refugees chose to build a tent around the detention house.
|Description text=The Deputy for Coordination of Security and Public Order at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Carlo B. Tewu, revealed that the problem of refugees in Indonesia has become a serious concern for the Indonesian government. According to Carlo, the government has made various efforts to deal with the refugee issue. This was conveyed at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 Concerning the Handling of Refugees From Abroad, in Bali, April 4 2018. "Various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government in handling refugees from abroad, among others through the establishment the desk for handling refugees from abroad and people smuggling by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," said Carlo as quoted from a press release from the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Wednesday (4/4/2018). In addition, continued Carlo, the government has issued Presidential Decree No. 125/2016 and strengthen coordination with related Ministries/Agencies and Agencies in the regions. According to Carlo, the participation of local governments is the key in handling refugees from abroad as regulated in Presidential Decree no. 125/2016. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Yunizar revealed, one example The implementation of Presidential Regulation 125 Year 2016 has not been maximized is the involvement of local governments in allocating APBD to deal with these foreign refugees. According to him, the rights that are not fulfilled are detrimental to refugees and searchers asylum. "They can wait 25 years before being transferred to the destination country. During that waiting time, they do not get access to jobs and education," he explained. Meanwhile, National Program Officer L-Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Fransisca Dwi Indah Asmiarsi said that access to work for foreign refugees is crucial so that they can survive. "For those who occupy the immigration detention house, it is very difficult for them," he said. In contrast to foreign refugees who mingle with the local community. They have more opportunities to find work, even if just to survive. "We have observed that in Bogor, there is a good relationship between foreign refugees and the local community," he said. According to him, what is seen in Bogor is only one example of success. Elsewhere, it turns out that there are many problems faced. The foreign refugees also asked to be able to occupy the detention house. The problem, he said, was that immigration detention centers in Indonesia, such as in Kalideres, Pekanbaru and Medan, were already over capacity. They had to be rejected. In the end, the foreign refugees chose to build a tent around the detention house.
|Description text id=Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Keamanan dan Ketertiban Masyarakat Kemenko Polhukam, Carlo B. Tewu mengungkapkan, permasalahan pengungsi yang ada di Indonesia telah menjadi perhatian serius oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Menurut Carlo, pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menangani persoalan pengungsi. Hal itu disampaikannya dalam Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) tentang Impelementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 125 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penanganan Pengungsi Dari Luar Negeri, di Bali, 4 April 2018. "Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri, antara lain melalui pembentukan desk penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri dan penyelundupan manusia oleh Kemenko Polhukam," ujar Carlo seperti dikutip dari siaran pers Kemenko Polhulkam, Rabu (4/4/2018). Selain itu, lanjut Carlo, pemerintah telah menerbitkan Perpres No. 125/2016 dan melakukan pemantapan koordinasi dengan Kementerian/Lembaga dan Instansi terkait di daerah. Menurut Carlo, peran serta pemerintah daerah merupakan kunci dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri sebagaimana diatur dalam Perpres No. 125/2016.
|Description text id=Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Keamanan dan Ketertiban Masyarakat Kemenko Polhukam, Carlo B. Tewu mengungkapkan, permasalahan pengungsi yang ada di Indonesia telah menjadi perhatian serius oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Menurut Carlo, pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menangani persoalan pengungsi. Hal itu disampaikannya dalam Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) tentang Impelementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 125 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penanganan Pengungsi Dari Luar Negeri, di Bali, 4 April 2018. "Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri, antara lain melalui pembentukan desk penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri dan penyelundupan manusia oleh Kemenko Polhukam," ujar Carlo seperti dikutip dari siaran pers Kemenko Polhulkam, Rabu (4/4/2018). Selain itu, lanjut Carlo, pemerintah telah menerbitkan Perpres No. 125/2016 dan melakukan pemantapan koordinasi dengan Kementerian/Lembaga dan Instansi terkait di daerah. Menurut Carlo, peran serta pemerintah daerah merupakan kunci dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri sebagaimana diatur dalam Perpres No. 125/2016.

Latest revision as of 05:01, 21 May 2022

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

The Deputy for Coordination of Security and Public Order at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Carlo B. Tewu, revealed that the problem of refugees in Indonesia has become a serious concern for the Indonesian government. According to Carlo, the government has made various efforts to deal with the refugee issue. This was conveyed at the National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) on the Implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 Concerning the Handling of Refugees From Abroad, in Bali, April 4 2018. "Various efforts have been made by the Indonesian government in handling refugees from abroad, among others through the establishment the desk for handling refugees from abroad and people smuggling by the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs," said Carlo as quoted from a press release from the Coordinating Ministry for Political and Security Affairs, Wednesday (4/4/2018). In addition, continued Carlo, the government has issued Presidential Decree No. 125/2016 and strengthen coordination with related Ministries/Agencies and Agencies in the regions. According to Carlo, the participation of local governments is the key in handling refugees from abroad as regulated in Presidential Decree no. 125/2016. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Yunizar revealed, one example The implementation of Presidential Regulation 125 Year 2016 has not been maximized is the involvement of local governments in allocating APBD to deal with these foreign refugees. According to him, the rights that are not fulfilled are detrimental to refugees and searchers asylum. "They can wait 25 years before being transferred to the destination country. During that waiting time, they do not get access to jobs and education," he explained. Meanwhile, National Program Officer L-Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Fransisca Dwi Indah Asmiarsi said that access to work for foreign refugees is crucial so that they can survive. "For those who occupy the immigration detention house, it is very difficult for them," he said. In contrast to foreign refugees who mingle with the local community. They have more opportunities to find work, even if just to survive. "We have observed that in Bogor, there is a good relationship between foreign refugees and the local community," he said. According to him, what is seen in Bogor is only one example of success. Elsewhere, it turns out that there are many problems faced. The foreign refugees also asked to be able to occupy the detention house. The problem, he said, was that immigration detention centers in Indonesia, such as in Kalideres, Pekanbaru and Medan, were already over capacity. They had to be rejected. In the end, the foreign refugees chose to build a tent around the detention house.

In Indonesian

Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Keamanan dan Ketertiban Masyarakat Kemenko Polhukam, Carlo B. Tewu mengungkapkan, permasalahan pengungsi yang ada di Indonesia telah menjadi perhatian serius oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Menurut Carlo, pemerintah telah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk menangani persoalan pengungsi. Hal itu disampaikannya dalam Rapat Koordinasi Nasional (Rakornas) tentang Impelementasi Peraturan Presiden Nomor 125 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penanganan Pengungsi Dari Luar Negeri, di Bali, 4 April 2018. "Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri, antara lain melalui pembentukan desk penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri dan penyelundupan manusia oleh Kemenko Polhukam," ujar Carlo seperti dikutip dari siaran pers Kemenko Polhulkam, Rabu (4/4/2018). Selain itu, lanjut Carlo, pemerintah telah menerbitkan Perpres No. 125/2016 dan melakukan pemantapan koordinasi dengan Kementerian/Lembaga dan Instansi terkait di daerah. Menurut Carlo, peran serta pemerintah daerah merupakan kunci dalam penanganan pengungsi dari luar negeri sebagaimana diatur dalam Perpres No. 125/2016.

Terkait pengawasan para pengungsi dan pencari suaka di tempat penampungan sementara, pemerintah daerah perlu menyusun aturan atau tata tertib bersama Rumah Detensi Imigrasi (Rudenim) dengan menyesuaikan adat istiadat dan kearifan lokal setempat.

"Dalam Perpres dijelaskan bahwa pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota perlu menyediakan tempat penampungan sementara pengungsi dari luar negeri dengan memperhatikan kondisi, fasilitas serta kriteria sesuai amanat Perpres tersebut,” kata Carlo.

Isu pengungsi dan pencari suaka telah menjadi salah satu isu yang paling banyak mendapatkan perhatian baik dari dalam negeri maupun internasional.

Berdasarkan data dari United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), jumlah pengungsi dan pencari suaka dalam beberapa tahun belakangan terus mengalami peningkatan dan tercatat ada lebih dari 22 juta pengungsi dan pencari suaka di tingkat global. Sebagian besar pengungsi dan pencari suaka berada di negara-negara berkembang seperti Turki, Pakistan, Libanon, Thailand, Malaysia, dan Indonesia.

Jumlah pengungsi dan pencari suaka di Turki sendiri mencapai angka 2,9 juta orang dan 1,4 juta orang di Pakistan.

Sedangkan di Libanon tercatat ada sekitar 1 juta orang pengungsi dan pencari suaka dan masing-masing sekitar 100 ribu orang berada di Thailand dan Malaysia. Di Indonesia tercatat ada 13.840 jiwa yang terdiri dari 9.795 pengungsi dan 4.045 pencari suaka. "Dilihat dari jumlah tersebut memanglah tidak terlalu besar, namun perlu kita waspadai dampak negatif yang mungkin terjadi baik dari aspek ideologi, politik, sosial budaya, hukum, dan keamanan,” kata Carlo. “UNHCR, salah satu badan PBB yang berurusan langsung dengan isu penanganan pengungsi mencatat bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, krisis pengungsi telah menjadi krisis pengungsi terparah sejak Perang Dunia ke dua,” lanjut dia. Pencari suaka dan pengungsi dari berbagai negara di Indonesia terus meningkat. Mereka berasal dari Myanmar, Afganistan, Irak, Iran, Somalia serta sejumlah negara Timur Tengah. Peneliti dari Institute of International Studies (IIS) Departemen Hubungan Internasional Fisipol UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari mengatakan, data dari United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sampai saat ini 14,405 jiwa. Sepertiga dari mereka menempati 13 rumah detensi imigrasi di Indonesia.

Regarding the supervision of refugees and asylum seekers in temporary shelters, the government regions need to formulate rules or regulations with the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) by adjusting local customs and wisdom. "In the Presidential Regulation it is explained that the district/city government needs to provide temporary shelter for refugees from abroad by taking into account the conditions, facilities and criteria according to the mandate of the Presidential Regulation," said Carlo. The issue of refugees and asylum seekers has become one of the issues that has received the most attention both domestically and internationally. Based on data from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has continued to increase and there have been more than 22 million refugees and asylum seekers at the global level. Most refugees and asylum seekers are in developing countries such as Turkey, Pakistan, Lebanon, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The number of refugees and asylum seekers in Turkey alone reached 2.9 million people and 1.4 million people in Pakistan. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, there are about 1 million refugees and asylum seekers and about 100,000 people each in Thailand and Malaysia. In Indonesia, there are 13,840 people, consisting of 9,795 refugees and 4,045 asylum seekers. "Judging from this number, it is not too big, but we need to be aware of the negative impacts that may occur, both from the ideological, political, socio-cultural, legal and security aspects," said Carlo. "UNHCR, one of the UN agencies dealing directly with issues handling refugees noted that in recent years, the refugee crisis has become the worst refugee crisis since the second World War, "he continued. Asylum seekers and refugees from various countries in Indonesia continue to increase. They come from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and a number of Middle Eastern countries.Researcher from the Institute of International Studies (IIS) Department of International Relations UGM Yogyakarta Atin Prabandari said data from the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to date has 14,405 people. One third of them occupy 13 immigration detention houses. in Indonesia. Yunizar mengungkapkan, salah satu contoh implementasi Perpres 125 Tahun 2016 belum maksimal adalah pelibatan pemerintah daerah mengalokasikan APBD untuk menagangi pengungsi luar negeri tersebut. Menurut dia, hak-hak yang tidak dipenuhi tersebut merugikan pengungsi dan pencari suaka. "Mereka bisa menunggu 25 tahun sebelum dipindahkan ke negara tujuan. Selama waktu menunggu itu, mereka tidak mendapat akses pekerjaan dan pendidikan," paparnya. Sementara itu, National Program Officer LJesuit Refugee Service (JRS) Fransisca Dwi Indah Asmiarsi mengatakan, akses pekerjaan bagi pengungsi luar negeri sangat krusial agar mereka bisa bertahan hidup. "Bagi yang menempati rumah detensi imigrasi sangat menyulitkan bagi mereka," ungkapnya. Berbeda dengan pengungsi luar negeri yang membaur dengan masyarakat lokal. Mereka lebih punya kesempatan mencari pekerjaan, meski sekedar untuk bertahan hidup. "Kami mengamati di Bogor, antara pengungsi luar negeri dengan masyarakat lokal sudah terjalin hubungan baik," ungkapnya. Menurut dia, apa yang terlihat di Bogor hanya satu contoh yang sukses. Di tempat lain, ternyata banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi. Para pengungsi luar negeri pun meminta bisa menempati rumah detensi.

Persoalannya, kata dia, rumah detensi imigrasi di Indonesia seperti di Kalideres, Pekanbaru dan Medan sudah over kapasitas. Terpaksa mereka harus ditolak. Akhirnya pengungsi luar negeri itu memilih membangun tenda di sekitar rumah detensi.

In Makassar

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