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|Page Title id=Menerapkan bentuk pertolongan sejak zaman rasulullah
|Page Title id=Menerapkan bentuk pertolongan sejak zaman rasulullah
|Page Title en=Applying forms of help since the time of the Prophet
|Page Title en=Applying forms of help since the time of the Prophet
|Photograph reference=npr
|Description text=Recently we have been shocked by the events between Ukraine and Russia. However, the basis of humanity is the help of foreign nationals and Indonesian citizens. This case has also happened to the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah SWT has also determined in Surah At-Taubah verse 6 which means: "And if one of the polytheists asks for protection, then protect him so that he hears the word of Allah, then send it to him. he is a safe place for him."
|Description text=Recently we have been shocked by the events between Ukraine and Russia. However, the basis of humanity is the help of foreign nationals and Indonesian citizens. This case has also happened to the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah SWT has also determined in Surah At-Taubah verse 6 which means: "And if one of the polytheists asks for protection, then protect him so that he hears the word of Allah, then send it to him. he is a safe place for him."
In the caliphate era, the Prophet gave protection to foreign nationals who were involved in political crimes called asylum. Asylum will be granted to an applicant to a safe country or Muslim territory. To get protection from Muslim areas, foreigners (non-Muslims), of course, must follow the provisions of what may and may not be done in that area. In providing protection can be divided into two forms, namely temporary and permanent. In this protection provision must also meet the criteria of each applicant. Meanwhile, one of the guarantees for the protection of foreigners (non-Muslims) is the obligation to pay taxes in order to improve the economy of the Muslim region which was declining at that time.
In the caliphate era, the Prophet gave protection to foreign nationals who were involved in political crimes called asylum. Asylum will be granted to an applicant to a safe country or Muslim territory. To get protection from Muslim areas, foreigners (non-Muslims), of course, must follow the provisions of what may and may not be done in that area. In providing protection can be divided into two forms, namely temporary and permanent. In this protection provision must also meet the criteria of each applicant. Meanwhile, one of the guarantees for the protection of foreigners (non-Muslims) is the obligation to pay taxes in order to improve the economy of the Muslim region which was declining at that time.

Latest revision as of 15:35, 20 May 2022

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    What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


    In English

    Recently we have been shocked by the events between Ukraine and Russia. However, the basis of humanity is the help of foreign nationals and Indonesian citizens. This case has also happened to the caliphate of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah SWT has also determined in Surah At-Taubah verse 6 which means: "And if one of the polytheists asks for protection, then protect him so that he hears the word of Allah, then send it to him. he is a safe place for him."

    In the caliphate era, the Prophet gave protection to foreign nationals who were involved in political crimes called asylum. Asylum will be granted to an applicant to a safe country or Muslim territory. To get protection from Muslim areas, foreigners (non-Muslims), of course, must follow the provisions of what may and may not be done in that area. In providing protection can be divided into two forms, namely temporary and permanent. In this protection provision must also meet the criteria of each applicant. Meanwhile, one of the guarantees for the protection of foreigners (non-Muslims) is the obligation to pay taxes in order to improve the economy of the Muslim region which was declining at that time. If it is linked from a different point of view with the same method, at the time of the Messenger of Allah it had a majority of Muslim countries while Indonesian citizens had various religions (national state), and were considered a safe area. Therefore, why at the time of the Prophet did not apply in this day and age.

    Regarding the attitudes and responsibilities of a person's behavior when directly experiencing a refugee event like in Ukraine, it is an attitude like the motto of the Indonesian nation, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, different but still one, as humans who have empathy and sympathy even though we are different nations and our countries. still have to help each other as God's creatures. The Messenger of Allah in this regard also said, "The best of people among you are those who are most beneficial to others" (H.R. Bukhari).

    In Indonesian

    Belakangan ini kita di gemparkan oleh peristiwa antara Ukraina dan rusia. Namun yang menjadi dasar kemanusiaan adalah pertolongan warga negara asing dan warga negara Indonesia. Kasus ini juga pernah terjadi pada ke khalifaan Rasulullah SAW dan ALLAH SWT juga telah menetapkan pada surah at-taubah ayat 6 yang artinya : “dan jika seorang diantara orang-orang musyrik itu meminta perlindungan kepadamu, maka lindungilah ia supaya ia mendengar kalam Allah, kemudian antarkanlah ia ketempat yang aman baginya”

    Pada zaman ke khalifaan Rasulullah memberikan perlindungan kepada warga negara asing (non muslim) yang terlibat kejahatan politik di sebut dengan suaka. Suaka akan diberikan kepada seorang pemohan terhadap negara aman atau wilayah muslimin. Untuk mendapatkan perlindungan dari wilayah muslimin, warga negara asing (non muslim) tentunya harus mengikuti ketentuan yang boleh dan tidak boleh di lakukan di wilayah tersebut. Dalam memberikan perlindungan bisa di bedakan menjadi dua bentuk yaitu sementara dan tetap. Pada ketetapan perlindungan ini juga harus memenuhi kreteria dari setiap pemohonnya. Sedangkan yang menjadi salah satu jaminan perlindungan warga negara asing (non muslim) adalah wajib membayar pajak guna untuk meningkatkan perekonomian wilayah muslimin yang menurun pada masa itu. Jika di kaitkan dalam sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan metode yang sama, di zaman rasulullah itu mempunyai mayoritas muslim (negara keagamaan) sedangkan warga negara Indonesia mempunyai berbagai macam agama (negara kebangsaan), dan di anggap sebagai wilayah yang aman. Maka dari itu mengapa pada zaman Rasulullah tidak berlaku di zaman sekarang ini.

    Mengenai sikap dan tanggung jawab perilaku seseorang apa bila mengalami langsung peristiwa pengungsian seperti di ukraina adalah sikap seperti semboyan bangsa Indonesia yaitu bhinneka tunggal ika, berbeda-beda tapi tetap satu, sebagai manusia yang mempunya i rasa empati dan simpati meskipun kita berbeda bangsa dan negara kita tetap harus saling membantu satu sama lain sebagai makhluk ciptaan tuhan. Rasulullah dalam hal ini juga bersabda, “ sebaik-baik manusia diantaramu adalah yang paling banyak manfaatnya bagi orang lain” (H.R. Bukhari).

    In Makassar

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