Syamsul Ma'arif (Buru'buku-buku te'buru ampe-ampe))

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Syamsul Ma'arif (Buru'buku-buku te'buru ampe-ampe))
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    In English

    My name is Syamsul Ma'arif, from DKV UNM's Basic Typography Student

    In Indonesian

    Nama saya Syamsul Ma'arif, dari Mahasiswa Tipografi Dasar DKV UNM

    In Makassar

    Syamsul Ma'arif asekku, pole ri mahasiswa Tipografi pammulang na DKV UNM

    Direct transcription/translation

    Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

    In English

    "Buru' buku-buku te'buru ampe-ampe", the meaning of this proverb is that the bones have been destroyed but the deeds have not been destroyed. It has the meaning that the person who has died is not the physical and face that is remembered, but it is his actions during life that will continue to be remembered. Therefore, start prioritizing improving attitude rather than improving appearance

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian

    "Buru' buku-buku te'buru ampe-ampe", makna dari pepatah tersebut yaitu tulang sudah hancur tetapi perbuatan belum hancur. Mempunyai makna bahwasanya orang yang telah tiada bukan fisik dan wajahnya yang di ingat akan tetapi perbuatannya lah selama hidup yang akan terus ingat. Maka dari itu mulailah utamakan memperbaiki sikap dibandingkan memperbaiki tampilan
