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"it's the little things"

"it's the little things"
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    Instagram @murizman
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    "It's the little things"

    Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of a complex life, we often forget about the little things about happiness that exists around us. The pursuit of happiness is not always found in a great achievement or glamorous moment.

    a gentle shine of the sun in the morning, the smells of coffee made by your loved one, breathing in the crisp morning breeze, observing the flow of passing vehicles, It's the little things.

    the cascading foliage, the chirping of morning birds, the captivating blue sky, the innocent laughter of the children, It's the little things.

    delving into the undiscovered corners of the city, making new friends, learning a new language, embracing humanity, It's the little things.

    Sometimes, the most precious happiness is hidden in the little things that often escape our hearts.

    No matter how simple and small those things are, what we need to do is simply to carry on living and relishing it with love and gratitude.

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian

    "Mecari Kebahagiaan Sederhana"

    terkadang dalam hiruk-pikuk kehidupan yang penuh kerumitan, kita sering lupa akan kebahagiaan sederhana yang ada di sekitar kita. Mencari kebahagiaan tak selalu merujuk pada pencapaian besar ataupun momen gemerlap.

    sinar mentari di pagi hari, aroma kopi pagi buatan orang tercinta, menghirup udara pagi yang segar, mengamati transportasi yang berlalu-lalang, sederhana.

    dedaunan yang berguguran, kicauan burung-burung pagi, langit biru yang menawan, tawa polos anak kecil, sederhana.

    menelusuri sudut kota yang belum terjamah, bercengkrama dengan teman baru, mempelajari bahasa baru, menjadi manusia, sederhana.

    terkadang, kebahagiaan yang paling berharga tersembunyi dalam momen-momen sederhana yang kadang luput dari sanubari kita.

    bagaimana pun sederhana dan kecilnya momen tersebut, hal yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah terus menjalani hidup dan menikmatinya dengan cinta dan syukur.