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Erma Ria Sera movie reviews

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    UIN Alauddin Makassar
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      What are messages and meanings that you can get from the movie "Marege the Last Trepangers"?



      In English

      There are many lessons that we can take from the film The Last Trepangers, about diversity, tolerance, hard work, don't give up quickly, and the history of great people in Makassar.

      In Indonesian

      ada banyak pelajaran yg bisa kita ambil dari film the last trepangers, tentang keberagaman, toleransi, kerja keras, jangan cepat berputus asa, serta sejarah orang2 hebat di makassar

      In Makassar

      In Buginese

      In Torajanese

      In other languages

      nobhari bafoguru ane donoro the last trepangers ane dofekirie, nobhari mie wethunia ini, deharagai mie sigahano, dogiu, nanembali norimba dhowule, bhekafoguruhi mie ngkodauhino manggasa

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