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Fadila Citra Dwihardianty /Riview Film The Last trepangers

Title (Indonesian)
Title (Makassar)
Photo Reference
Photograph credit
Mahasiswa (college students)
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Fadila Citra Dwihardianty
Institution / School / Organization
Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
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    What are messages and meanings that you can get from the movie "Marege the Last Trepangers"?



    In English

    In the story this time, The Last Trepangers: A Brother From Across The Sea contains how two twin brothers, Hasan and Hasni, are patiently waiting for their older brother, Daeng Nurdin, who doesn't know where he is, and how Hasan is determined to find Daeng Nurdin in marge land

    In Indonesian

    Pada cerita kali ini, The Last Trepangers: A Brother From Across The Sea berisi bagaimana dua saudara kembar yaitu hasan dan hasni yang dengan sabar menunggu kakaknya yaitu daeng nurdin yang tidak tau dimana berada, dan bagaimana hasan yang kemudian bertekad untuk mencari daeng nurdin ke tanah marege

    In Makassar

    In Buginese

    Engka siddi cerita, engka 2 saudara kembar yanaritu hasan sibawa hasni sabbara ladde tajengngi daengna yanaritu daeng hasan na ndenawissengngi kegai wettuna lao sompe' okko marege na iyye hasan na pamminasa ii alena melo lo sappai daeng nurdin okko tanah marege

    In Torajanese

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