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In English
According to information circulating at the time, several residents were busy preparing for a festival on the beach to celebrate the anniversary of Palu City. At 18.02 WITA a disaster occurred. The ground they were standing on suddenly shook violently, roads split like waves, and buildings collapsed. Just five minutes after the devastating earthquake, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) issued a tsunami warning. The agency warned that ocean waves would reach 0.5 to three meters. Between three and six minutes later, Palu City was hit by a wave as high as six meters. People only have 10 minutes, from the moment the earthquake hits until the tsunami hits, to escape to high ground. Because they only had 10 minutes, many residents did not have time to evacuate to high places, so inevitably they had to be hit by a tsunami as high as 5-7 meters. As a result of this disaster, many people lost their families, necessities of life, and their places of residence, the loss of their homes made the victims not know where to rest, thus making the victims take refuge in their families' homes. or at the evacuation post. Seeing this, I feel very sad to see my countrymen go through such a thing. It turned out that I wasn't the only one who felt this way, many people felt empathy for the disaster and offered to help. As a form of my empathy, I donate my clothes that are no longer used but are still fit for use, donate religious utensils, and donate basic necessities such as rice, eggs, bread, and so on.
By helping the refugees who experienced the Earthquake & Tsunami disaster like this, we can strengthen the sense of humanity and brotherhood that exists within us. And with this help, I hope the victims can recover physically and mentally so they can return to their normal activities.In Indonesian
Menurut informasi yang beredar saat itu, beberapa warga sedang sibuk mempersiapkan festival di pantai untuk merayakan hari jadi Kota Palu. Pada 18.02 WITA terjadi bencana. Tanah tempat mereka berdiri tiba-tiba bergetar keras, jalan terbelah seperti ombak, dan bangunan runtuh. Hanya lima menit setelah gempa dahsyat, Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) mengeluarkan peringatan tsunami. Badan tersebut memperingatkan bahwa gelombang laut akan mencapai 0,5 sampai tiga meter. Antara tiga dan enam menit kemudian, Kota Palu dilanda gelombang setinggi enam meter. Orang hanya punya 10 menit, dari saat gempa melanda sampai tsunami menerjang, untuk melarikan diri ke tempat yang tinggi. Karena mereka hanya sudah 10 menit, banyak warga yang tidak sempat mengungsi ke tempat tinggi, jadi mau tidak mau mereka harus diterjang tsunami setinggi 5-7 meter. Akibatnya bencana, banyak orang kehilangan keluarga, kebutuhan hidup, dan tempat tinggal tempat tinggal, kehilangan tempat tinggal membuat para korban tidak tahu harus beristirahat di mana, sehingga membuat para korban mengungsi di rumah keluarga mereka. atau di posko pengungsian.
Melihat ini, saya merasa sangat sedih melihat saudara sebangsa saya mengalami hal seperti itu. Ternyata bukan saya saja yang merasakan hal ini, banyak orang yang merasakan empati terhadap bencana dan menawarkan bantuan. Sebagai bentuk empati saya, saya menyumbangkan pakaian saya yang sudah tidak terpakai tetapi masih layak pakai, sedekah alat-alat ibadah, dan sedekah sembako kebutuhan pokok seperti beras, telur, roti, dan sebagainya. Dengan membantu para pengungsi yang mengalami bencana Gempa & Tsunami seperti ini, kita bisa memperkuat rasa kemanusiaan dan persaudaraan yang ada di dalam kita. Dan dengan bantuan ini, saya berharap para korban dapat pulih secara fisik dan mental sehingga mereka bisa kembali beraktivitas seperti biasa.In Makassar
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