Literature Empati terhadap Pengungsi Kebakaran

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    What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


    In English

    a fire broke out near my house at sunu street aisle 1 occurred at noon at 04.30am and also at dawn there were several people who fled after the fire occurred 5 heads Households and almost 10 houses burned down because the place where I lived was on fire if I did They are sad, confused about their situation, they lost their valuable things. It's a shame to come concerned and sad, the only thing I can do to help them is to collect funds to help ease their burden, invite friends to raise funds and donate to fire victims who were there.

    In Indonesian

    kebakaran terjadi di dekat rumahku jalan sunu lorong 1 terjadi pada siang hari jam 04.30am

    dan juga subuh ada beberapa orang yang mengungsi setelah kebakaran itu terjadi 5 kepala rumah tangga dan hampir 10 rumah terbakar Karena tempat tinggal nya terbakar jika sy jadi mereka Sedih bingung keadaan nya mereka kehilangan benda berharga nya Kasihan ikut prihatin dan sedih upaya yg dapat sy lakukan untuk membantu mereka adalah Mengumpulkan dana untuk membantu meringankan beban mereka mengajak teman teman untuk

    mengumpulkan dana dan menyumbangkan ke korban kebakaran yg berada di sana.

    In Makassar

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