Literature Kebakaran

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English


It is known that yesterday at 13.00 on 17 May 2022 there was a fire on Sunu Street, Suangga Village, Tallo District. The fire is thought to have been caused by an electrical short circuit in one of the houses As a result of the incident, 28 families of the 14 affected houses burned down. Luckily, there were no fatalities in this fire. As a result, the affected people had to evacuate temporarily. As social beings we must help each other and help them. I intend to give them my clothes that I no longer want to wear, the clothes are still Good quality. I also intend to give them food like rice, eggs, noodles, water And the spirit to keep them strong.

"Let's help and encourage our brothers and sisters who are in refugee camps"

In Indonesian


Di ketahui kemarin pada pukul 13.00 tanggal 17 mei 2022 terjadi kebakaran di jalan Sunu, Kelurahan suangga kecamatan tallo. Kebakaran ini diduga akibat arus pendek listrik di salah satu rumah Akibat kejadian tersebut membakar 28 kk dari 14 rumah yang terdampak. Beruntung dalam kebakaran ini tidak ada korban jiwa. Akibat kejadian tersebut orang yang terdampak harus mengungsi untuk sementara waktu. Sebagai makhluk sosial kita harus saling membantu dan menolong mereka. Saya berniat memberikan mereka baju saya yang sudah tidak ingin saya pake, bajunya masih Berkualitas bagus. Saya juga berniat memberi mereka makanan seperti Beras, telor, mie, air Serta semangat Agar mereka tetap tangguh.

“Mari kita Membantu dan memberi semangat Kepada saudara saudara kita yang berada di Pengungsian”

In Makassar

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