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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?
In English
Exactly on March 30, 2022, at around 16.00 WITA, a fire occurred on Jalan Abu Bakar Lambogo, Makassar District, Baraya Sub-District, which resulted in the burning of approximately 14 residents' houses and fortunately there were no fatalities. As a result of this incident, several family heads took refuge in the Coal-Baraya Unity Command Post which was made by local residents in mutual cooperation. They fled because their houses were consumed by fire, so there was no place to take shelter and finally local residents made tents as a place for refugees. As a result of this incident, several residents lost their property in the form of housing, clothing, securities/important documents, and some even lost their motorbikes because they were scorched by the red rooster. Therefore, I, as a resident of the area around the incident site, felt very concerned that I made a donation, asking for donations in the form of money, instant noodles, and clothes to be distributed to the people affected by the incident, and coincidentally one of the The victims of the fire were my seniors, so many of my friends and seniors who took part as well as members and older brothers and sisters of the alumni scout bimox scout Makassar front group 09-073 09-074 also participated. And don't forget the aid or donations sent from the government and the INDONESIA RED CROSS for the victims of the fire in the form of blankets, instant noodles, eggs, baby diapers, and much more. *My advice to friends as students is that in every disaster, let us work hand in hand to provide assistance to refugees, especially school uniforms and other school equipment. Because most of the aid for refugees was mostly in the form of food, they forgot to provide assistance in the form of uniforms and other school supplies in the form of books, stationery, shoes and other much-needed items.
In Indonesian
Tepat pada tanggal 30 maret 2022 sekitar puku 16.00 wita terjadi kebakaran di jalan abu bakar lambogo , kecamatan makassar , kelurahan bara-baraya yang mengakibatkan hangusnya kurang lebih 14 rumah warga dan untungnya tidak ada korban jiwa . Akibat kejadian tersebut beberapa kepala keluarga mengungsi di posko bara-baraya bersatu yang di buat oleh warga setempat secara gotong royong. Mereka mengungsi di karenakan rumah mereka habis di lahap api , sehingga tak ada tempat untuk berteduh dan akhirnya warga setempat membuatkan tenda-tenda sebagai tempat bagi pengungsi . Dampak dari kejadian tersebut beberapa warga kehilangan harta benda berupa tempat tinggal , pakaian , surat surat berharga / penting , bahkan ada yang kehilangan sepeda motor karena hangus di lahap si jago merah. Oleh karena itu , saya sebagai warga yang tinggal di daerah sekitar tempat kejadian merasa sangat prihatin sehingga membuat donasi , meminta sumbangan berupa uang , mie instan , dan pakaian layak pakai untuk di bagikan kepada warga yang terkena dampak dari kejadian itu , dan kebetulan salah satu dari korban kebakaran adalah kakak kelas saya , sehingga banyak dari teman-teman dan kakak kelas yang ikut berpartisipasi serta dari anggota dan kakak kakak alumni pramuka bimox scout makassar gugus depan 09-073 09-074 juga ikut berpartisipasi . Dan tak lupa juga bantuan atau donasi yang di kirimkan dari pemerintah dan PALANG MERAH INDONESIA untuk korban dari kebakaran tersebut berupa selimut , mie instan , telur , popok bayi , dan masih banyak lagi .
- Saran saya kepada teman sebagai pelajar yaitu di setiap kejadian bencana marilah kita saling bahu membahu untuk memberikan bantuan terhadap pengungsi , utamanya seragam sekolah dan kelengkapan sekolah lainnya . Karena kebanyakan bantuan untuk pengungsi sebagian besar berupa makanan , sampai-sampai mereka lupa untuk memberikan bantuan berupa seragam dan perlengkapan sekolah lainnya berupa buku , alat tulis , sepatu dan lain-lainya yang juga sangat dibutuhkan.
In Makassar
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