Literature Korban longsor

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    What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


    In English

    "Houses belonging to 14 families (KK) and 51 people were damaged by landslides." , He said.

    Of the total affected residents, as many as 69 families or 296 people had to evacuate to a safer location. For now, he said, a joint team from the Bogor Regency BPDP was also assisted by the PUPR Service, Babinsa, local village officials, village limnas, Satpol PP, and also a number of other community elements to collect data and evacuate victims. The village has built an emergency post, a public kitchen, and a health post to help the injured. Recently there was another landslide disaster in this area, there were around 242 victims, residents continued to evacuate to safe places. The refugees were very worried and caused a sense of trauma due to the landslide, so they felt sad and that's where we must realize that we must keep our environment clean so that landslides do not occur. And as students we must provide assistance, be it medical assistance, clothing, or money. For this reason, let's friends help the refugees, so they can ease their burden due to landslides. The problem of refugees, the occurrence of landslides due to the large number of felling trees so that the forest is bare, causing landslides

    In my opinion, landslides occur because there are no trees which causes too much water to be stored on the ground, resulting in landslides and casualties.

    In Indonesian

    "Rumah milik 14 kepala keluarga (KK) dan 51 jiwa rusak akibat longsor." , Kata dia.

    Dari total tinggal terdampak tersebut, sebanyak 69 KK atau 296 jiwa harus mengungsi kelokasi yang lebih aman. Tinggal saat ini, kata dia tim gabungan dari BPDP kabupaten Bogor juga dibantu oleh Dinas PUPR, Babinsa, Aparat desa setempat, Limnas desa, Satpol PP, Dan juga sejumlah elemen masyarakat lain guna mendata dan mengevakuasi korban. Pihak desa telah membangun posko darurat, dapur umum, Dan posko kesehatan Untuk membantu korban luka luka. Baru-baru ini terjadi lagi bencana longsor Didaerah ini, ada sekitar 242 korban, warga terus mengungsi ke tempat yang aman. Para pengungsi sangat khawatir dan menimbulkan rasa trauma akibat longsor tersebut, sehingga muncul rasa sedih dan disitulah kita harus sadar bahwa kita harus menjaga kebersihan lingkungan kita agar tidak terjadi longsor. Dan sebagai siswa kita harus memberikan bantuan, baik itu bantuan medis, pakaian, maupun uang. Untuk dari itu marilah teman-teman Kita membantu para pengungsi, sehingga dapat meringankan Beban mereka akibat terjadinya tanah longsor. Masalah pengungsi, terjadinya longsor akibat banyaknya penebangan pohon sehingga hutan gundul, menyebabkan tanah longsor

    Menurut pendapat saya, tanah longsor terjadi karena tidak ada pepohonan yang mengakibatkan air ditampung di tanah terlalu berlebihan sehingga terjadi longsor dan korban jiwa.

    In Makassar

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