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Pemuda Yang menggambarkan politik kepada kucing peliharaannya yang acuh tak acuh

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High School

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What will happen if politics is run by young people who only care about memes and emojis rather than laws?


In English

"Hello Sleeping Cat, my mysterious sleeping partner! I was thinking about politics. Yes, politics is like our fight over the best place on the sofa, but more complex. So it's like this, in the human world, there are those who try to control, there are those who surrender to accept it, and everything happens on a big stage called the state.

So imagine, if you were the cat president, surely the first policy you would propose would be to increase the food portion quota, right? And maybe, National Day of Sleeping All Day is also part of your important agenda. What, do we refer to our political concept?

But do you know, the difference between cat politics and us is that in the world of politics, there are no balls of yarn that we can play with. Everything is full of intrigue and complicated. I'm not sure if your sharp claws can understand all that.

Let me tell you, yesterday there was a political debate on television. The humans were really excited, attacking each other. There are those who pretend to know, there are those who pretend not to know. So I thought, wouldn't it be better if they just held a cat debate? Maybe the content is more exciting, with questions like, "What is your view on the sustainability of day-night life?" or "What do you think about shoelace exploitation as a game?"

I tried to explain all this to you, but you seemed more interested in looking at the birds outside the window or playing with a feather ball. Maybe I should try to get you closer to the new toy policy vision. Politics is complicated, isn't it, Sleeping Cat? But we can make the world of cats more fun, right? What do you think, want to be the vice president of cats?"

  • Sleeping Cat just stares with half-open eyes, without giving a clear response.*

In Indonesian

"Halo si Kucing Tidur, partner tidurku yang penuh misteri! Aku lagi kepikiran, nih, tentang politik. Ya, politik itu kayak pertarungan kita memperebutkan tempat terbaik di sofa, tapi lebih kompleks. Jadi begini, dalam dunia manusia, ada yang berusaha mengendalikan, ada yang pasrah menerima, dan semuanya terjadi di atas panggung besar bernama negara.

Jadi bayangin, kalau kamu jadi presiden kucing, pasti kebijakan pertama yang kamu usulkan adalah menaikkan kuota porsi makanan, bukan? Dan mungkin, hari nasional tidur sepanjang hari juga jadi bagian dari agenda pentingmu. Gimana, acu tak acu dengan konsep politik ala kita?

Tapi tahu nggak, bedanya politik kucing sama kita adalah di dunia politik, nggak ada bola benang yang bisa kita mainkan. Semuanya penuh intrik dan serba rumit. Aku nggak yakin apakah cakarmu yang tajam bisa mengerti semua itu.

Aku ceritain deh, kemarin ada debat politik di televisi. Manusia-manusia heboh banget, saling serang satu sama lain. Ada yang sok tahu, ada yang pura-pura nggak tahu. Aku jadi mikir, apa nggak lebih baik kalau mereka mengadakan debat kucing saja? Mungkin isinya lebih seru, dengan pertanyaan seperti, "Apa pandanganmu tentang keberlanjutan hidup siang-malam?" atau "Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang eksploitasi tali sepatu sebagai permainan?"

Aku mencoba menjelaskan semua ini kepadamu, tapi sepertinya kamu lebih tertarik melihat burung di luar jendela atau memainkan bola bulu. Mungkin aku harus mencoba dekatkanmu dengan visi kebijakan mainan baru. Politik memang rumit, ya, Kucing Tidur? Tapi kita bisa bikin dunia kucing jadi lebih asyik, kan? Apa pendapatmu, mau jadi wakil presiden kucing?"

  • Kucing Tidur hanya menatap dengan mata yang setengah terbuka, tanpa memberi respon yang jelas.*

In Makassar