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Literature Pengungsi Banjir di Kutai Kertanegara

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

It's been 3 days from May 17, 2022 to May 19, 2022, the flood disaster that occurred in 18

Villages in Kutai Kartanegara are still submerging villages with varying water levels. There are 50 centimeters and up to 1 meter. When the news was revealed according to the available information, no fatalities had been found yet thousands of people were isolated because of the impassable road access due to high flooding. Thousands of people must be rescued immediately due to flood conditions that have not receded. Which where the people affected by the flood need food and facilities cleanliness. The feelings of people who are isolated are very afraid because when it is night there is no one lighting plus floods that continue to rise in height. The situation of people who are still isolated is quite worrying, due to lack of intake food and hygiene facilities. electricity for lighting is also turned off as a precautionary measure

so that people do not get electrocuted. When there was news of this disaster, all I did was contact my relatives and relatives to collect and provide assistance to people affected by the flood. And pray that the people affected by the disaster will continue to be given safety and given patience in the face of the disaster. Suggestions for friends, the refugees really need help and inform them family and friends so that they can participate in helping disaster victims.

In Indonesian

Sudah 3 hari sejak tanggal 17 mei 2022 sampai tanggal 19 mei 2022, bencana banjir yang terjadi di 18 desa yang berada di kutai kartanegara masih merendam desa dengan ketinggian air yang bervariasi. Ada yang 50 centimeter dan sampai 1 meter.

Saat berita diturunkan menurut informasi yang ada, belum ada korban jiwa yang ditemukan namun ribuan orang terisolasi karena akses jalan yang tidak bisa dilewati karena banjir yang cukup tinggi. Ribuan orang tersebut harus segera diselamatkan dikarenakan kondisi banjir yang belum surut. Yang mana orang orang yang terkena dampak banjir membutuhkan asupan makanan dan sarana kebersihan. Perasaan orang-orang yang terisolasi sangat ketakutan karena apabila waktu telah malam tidak ada lampu penerangan ditambah banjir yang terus naik ketinggiannya. Keadaan orang-orang yang masih terisolasi cukup memperihatinkan, karena kurangnya asupan

makanan dan sarana kebersihan. listrik untuk penerangan juga dimatikan untuk upaya pencegahan agar orang-orang tidak tersengat listrik. Saat adanya berita bencana ini yang saya lakukan yaitu menghubungi saudara dan kerabat saya untuk mengumpulkan dan memberikan bantuan kepada orang-orang yang terkena bencana banjir tersebut. Dan mendoakan semoga orang-orang yang terkena bencana tetap diberikan keselamatan dan diberikan kesabaran dalam menghadapi bencana tersebut. Saran untuk teman teman, para pengungsi sangat membutuhkan bantuan dan informasikan ke keluarga teman-teman agar dapat turut serta membantu korban bencana.

In Makassar

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