Literature Pengungsi Erupsi Gunung Semeru

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

"There was an eruption of Mount Semeru on Monday, 20

December 2021, at 05:56 WIB the height of the ash column observed ± 1500 m above the peak. Eruption recorded on seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 11 mm and a duration of 433 seconds". This incident is certainly a concern for the the surrounding community, many residents' houses are affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru. Thousands of refugees are still waiting for relocation after their place of residence was devoured Mount Semeru's hot cloud avalanches at the end 2021 ago. They are scattered in hundreds of points refugees in three sub-districts in Lumajang Regency, and were forced to survive relying on

food assistance and funds from donors. We can know how they feel, fear, sadness, all become one but what can we do circumstances that require them to be like this. Of course we share our condolences for what happened befall our brothers there. so that show our caring attitude towards them, we can donate some food and other basic needs.

In Indonesian

"Terjadi erupsi Gunung Semeru pada hari Senin, 20

Desember 2021, pukul 05:56 WIB tinggi kolom abu teramati ± 1500 m di atas puncak. Erupsi terekam di seismograf dengan amplitudo maksimum 11 mm dan durasi 433 detik".

Peristiwa ini tentu menjadi kecemasan para masyarakat sekitar, banyak rumah warga yang terkena dampak dari erupsi gunung Semeru. Ribuan orang pengungsi masih menanti relokasi setelah tempat tinggal mereka musnah dilalap guguran awan panas Gunung Semeru pada akhir 2021 lalu. Mereka tersebar di ratusan titik pengungsian di tiga kecamatan di Kabupaten Lumajang, dan terpaksa bertahan hidup mengandalkan bantuan sembako dan dana dari donatur. Kita bisa tau bagaimana perasaan mereka, rasa takut, sedih, semua jadi satu tapi mau bagaimana lagi keadaan yang mengharuskan mereka begini. Tentu kita ikut belasungkawa atas kejadian yang menimpa saudara-saudara kita di sana. agar menunjukkan sikap kepedulian kita terhadap mereka, kita bisa ikut menyumbangkan sebagian makanan dan kebutuhan pokok lainnya.

In Makassar

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