Literature Teks narasi pengungsi

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

Umar used to live with his parents in a small town on the countryside.

But one day, their town came under attack of a terrorist organization. Umar lost both of his parents during the attack. The town was fully taken over within a single day. Umar fled from his home and into the woods, but not before long, he was starving.

Luckily, he was found by a rescue team from a neighboring country.

In Indonesian

Umar biasa tinggal bersama orang tuanya di kota kecil di pedesaan.

Tapi suatu hari, kota mereka datang di bawah serangan organisasi teroris. Umar kalah kedua orang tuanya selama serangan tersebut. Kota ini sepenuhnya diambil dalam satu hari. Umar melarikan diri dari rumah dan masuk ke hutan, tetapi tidak selama-lama, ia kelaparan.

Untungnya, dia ditemukan oleh sebuah tim penyelamat dari

In Makassar

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