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Literature berbicara dengan Pengungsi

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world vision

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

In my opinion, the attitude that must be taken when there are refugees around us is to provide assistance both commercially and materially. and occasionally invite him to talk or go for a walk so that the refugees do not feel bored and isolated. also give enough attention to them as much as we can. because, we are not asked to ask that someday we who are refugees can get reciprocity from our previous treatment. We must complement each other regardless of ethnicity, race and culture because our fellow human beings must help each other so that they also do not continue to feel the anxiety that they have faced in their country because they have experienced enough suffering they must feel the happiness that we feel too

In Indonesian

menurut saya, sikap yang harus dilakukan ketika ada pengungsi di sekitar kita adalah, yaitu dengan memberikan bantuan baik secara komersial maupun secara material. serta sesekali mengajaknya berbincang bincang atau jalan jalan agar para pengungsi tidak merasa jenuh dan dikucilkan. juga memberikan perhatian yang cukup untuk mereka se bisa kita. karena, tidak diminta minta suatu saat nanti kita yg jadi pengungsi bisa mendapatkan timbal balik dari perlakuan kita sebelumnya. Kita harus saling melengkapi tanpa memandang suku,ras dan budaya karena sesama manusia kita harus saling bantu membantu agar mereka juga tidak terus menerus merasakan kecemasan yg mereka pernah hadapi di negara mereka karena telah cukup penderitaan yang mereka rasakan mereka harus merasakan kebahagiaan yg kita rasakan juga

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