Literature pengungsi di Aceh

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

The Aceh earthquake and tsunami occurred on Sunday, December 26, 2004. The number of displaced victims of the Aceh 6.4 earthquake on the Richter scale currently reaches 83,838 people. Refugees were placed in 124 points. Pidie Jaya Regency is the area where the most residents are displaced because it was most severely affected by the earthquake. the number of refugees continues to grow. Therefore, efforts will be made to prevent the number of refugees from increasing. The data on refugees who continue to soar must be observed. We will take further action to prevent a surge in refugees.

According to the records of the main post, in Pidie Jaya there are 82,122 refugees in 120 points. While the remaining 1,716 people, assistance in the form of basic needs in the form of rice, cooking oil, eggs, and sugar.

In my opinion, I am very concerned about the earthquake that occurred in Aceh with a magnitude of 9.1 which resulted in 120 thousand fatalities and 11,668 houses which included 2,992 houses heavily damaged and 5,852 houses lightly damaged, but after this incident 10 years later, Aceh became a city. advanced based on Islamic law

In Indonesian

Gempa dan tsunami Aceh terjadi pada Minggu, 26 Desember 2004. Jumlah pengungsi korban gempa Aceh 6,4 skala richter saat ini mencapai 83.838 orang. Pengungsi ditempatkan di 124 titik. Kabupaten Pidie Jaya adalah daerah yang warganya paling banyak mengungsi karena paling parah terdampak gempa. jumlah pengungsi terus bertambah. Karena itu akan ada upaya agar jumlah pengungsi tidak terus melonjak. Data pengungsi yang terus melonjak harus dicermati.Kami akan mengambil sikap penanganan selanjutnya guna menghindari lonjakan pengungsi.

Dalam catatan posko utama, di Pidie Jaya ada 82.122 orang pengungsi di 120 titik. Sementara sisanya sebanyak 1.716 orang, Bantuan berupa kebutuhan pokok berupa beras, minyak goreng, telur, dan gula.

Menurut saya saya sanagt prihatin atas kejadian gempa yang terjadi di aceh dengan skala 9,1 magnitudo yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa sebanyak 120 ribu dan 11.668 rumah yang meliputi 2.992 rumah rusak berat dan 5.852 rumah rusak ringan namun setelah kejadian tersebut 10 tahun kemudian aceh menjadi sebuah kota maju yang di dasari hukum secara syariat islam

In Makassar

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