Peribahasa Bugis ANDI IKRAM HISANI

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Peribahasa Bugis ANDI IKRAM HISANI
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    In English

    Sengerengmu pada bulu

    Adatta silappae Alla ruttungeng manengngi Mountain-high goodness even one word Everything will collapse

    gives a message that even though one's goodness and deeds are as high as a mountain, everything will collapse with just one word. “Adatta silappae” means one saying. This is meant the need to maintain verbal or speech in interacting in society. As the saying goes that "your mouth, your tiger" which means someone's words at any time can hurt the hearts of others if

    In Indonesian

    Sengerengmu pada bulu

    Adatta silappae Alla ruttungeng manengngi Kebaikan setinggi gunung walau satu kata saja Semua akan runtuh

    memberikan pesan bahwa walaupun kebaikan dan amal perbuatan seseorang setinggi gunung, segalanya akan runtuh hanya dengan satu ucapan. “Adatta silappae” berarti satu ucapan. Hal ini dimaksudkan perlunya menjaga lisan atau tutur kata dalam berinteraksi dalam masyarakat. Sebagaimana pepatah yang menyatakan bahwa “mulutmu, harimaumu” yang berarti ucapan seseorang sewaktu-waktu dapat melukai hati sesama apabila

    In Makassar

    Direct transcription/translation

    Bahasa Kawi/Kuno

    In English

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian
