Literature empati untuk para pengungsi
From BASAsulselWiki
[[Question all::MediaWiki:ActiveWikithonQuestion/ban| ]]
responsibility when there are refugees around us is that I will voluntarily help the refugees, for example by distributing donations to people in need. In addition, I will provide entertainment to them, so that they do not continue to grieve over the calamity that befell them. I also want to provide useful education to them, especially to children, so that it can provide fun for them. In the process of providing entertainment and education to them, of course, I experienced challenges. One of the challenges I faced was that some of them were not focused and some did not follow the education I gave. As a solution to the problems I face, I create things that attract attention so that they can be interested in participating in my educational activities. The interesting thing that I gave them to make them interested in following my education was that I gave gifts to all participants who took part in educational activities. The gifts I gave were in the form of stationery
equipment for the children and donations of food ingredients for the adults.[[Question all::MediaWiki:ActiveWikithonQuestion/ban| ]]
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LokasiJI. Bontonompo No.12A, Gn. Sari, Kec. Tamalate, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90221
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