Muh Ridha mannangngai

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Muh Ridha mannangngai
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What have you done for Indonesia based on the inspiration from your favorite hero?


In English

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, my name is muh ridha mannangngai

I was born in Makassar, South Sulawesi I was born on 29-5-2005 I live on Jalan Mesjid Raya lr1 I watch anime I am the eldest of two children I go to SMKN 3 GOWA

I graduated from SMPN 4 Sungguminasa

Arung Palakka was the 15th King of Bone born on Friday, September 15, 1634, in a village called Lamotto, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, and died in Bontoala, April 6, 1696. His father was Lapattobune Aru Tana Tengga and his mother was We Tennisui. , who was the daughter of King Bone XII. When he was eight years old, the Kingdom of Gowa fought Bone and succeeded in conquering it. Since the age of 11, Arung Palakka and his family were taken as hostages to the Gowa Palace. They are lucky to be servants of Karaeng Pattinggaloang, an important and genius figure in the Kingdom of Gowa. Under his tutelage, Arung Palakka grew into an impressive prince in both brain and sport.the reason arung Palakka cooperated with the Dutch to overthrow the kingdom of Gowa was because Inging liberated the Bugis and Soppeng tribes.

I appreciate Palakka whitewater for its brave and formidable nature when it was a kingdom in Bone.

In Indonesian


Inggris Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh, perkenalkan nama saya muh ridha mannangngai

Saya lahir Di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Saya lahir tanggal 29-5-2005 Saya tinggal di jalan mesjid raya lr1 saya menonton anime Saya anak pertama dari dua bersaudara Saya bersekolah di SMKN 3 GOWA

Saya lulusan dari SMPN 4 Sungguminasa

Arung Palakka adalah Raja Bone ke-15 lahir pada hari Jumat, 15 September 1634, di sebuah desa yang bernama Lamotto, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, dan meninggal di Bontoala, 6 April 1696. Ayahnya bernama Lapattobune Aru Tana Tengga dan ibunya bernama We Tennisui, yang adalah puteri Raja Bone XII. Ketika umurnya delapan tahun, Bone diperangi Kerajaan Gowa dan berhasil menaklukkannya. Sejak berumur 11 tahun Arung Palakka dan keluarganya dibawa sebagai sandera ke Istana Gowa. Mereka beruntung karena menjadi pelayan Karaeng Pattinggaloang, tokoh penting dan jenius di Kerajaan Gowa. Di bawah asuhannya, Arung Palakka tumbuh menjadi pangeran yang mengesankan dalam olah otak maupun olahraga.alasan arung Palakka bekerja sama dengan Belanda untuk meruntuhkan kerajaan Gowa karena Inging memerdekakan suku Bugis dan Soppeng.

Saya mengapresiasikan arung Palakka karena sifatnya berani dan tangguh pada masa jadi raja di Bone.

In Makassar

Arung Palakka was the 15th King of Bone born on Friday, September 15, 1634, in a village called Lamotto, Mario-ri Wawo, Soppeng, and died in Bontoala, April 6, 1696. His father was Lapattobune Aru Tana Tengga and his mother was We Tennisui. , who was the daughter of King Bone XII. When he was eight years old, the Kingdom of Gowa fought Bone and succeeded in conquering it. Since the age of 11, Arung Palakka and his family were taken as hostages to the Gowa Palace. They are lucky to be servants of Karaeng Pattinggaloang, an important and genius figure in the Kingdom of Gowa. Under his tutelage, Arung Palakka grew into an impressive prince in both brain and sport.the reason arung Palakka cooperated with the Dutch to overthrow the kingdom of Gowa was because Inging liberated the Bugis and Soppeng tribes. I appreciate Palakka whitewater for its brave and formidable nature when it was a kingdom in Bone.

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