How to add topics[edit source]
Topics need to be listed in specifically named pages within the MediaWiki namespace pages. Topics need to need to be separated by a comma and have no unnecessary whitespaces before/after the comma. Edit the listed pages to add/modify/remove a topic for a shelf.
Please note that removing or renaming a topic will have no effect on pages already added to the topic. If you rename or remove a topic - you need to also navigate to all pages within the old topic and change the Topic field value to the new one.
Find list of topics definitions pages below:
- Biography, MediaWiki:Topics-Biography
- Book, MediaWiki:Topics-Book
- Environmental Initiative, MediaWiki:Topics-Environmental Initiative
- Children Book, MediaWiki:Topics-Children Book
- Scholars Room, MediaWiki:Topics-ScholarsRoom
- Intercultural, MediaWiki:Topics-Intercultural
- Folktale, MediaWiki:Topics-Folktale
- Place, MediaWiki:Topics-Place
- Lontar, MediaWiki:Topics-Lontar
- Millenials (Literature), MediaWiki:Topics-Literature
- Womens Spirit, MediaWiki:Topics-WomenSpirit
- Holidays, MediaWiki:Topics-Holiday
- Plant, MediaWiki:Topics-Plant
- Comics, MediaWiki:Topics-Comics
- Performance (Music), MediaWiki:Topics-Music
- Covid, MediaWiki:Topics-Covid
- Balinese Literature (Sastra Bali), MediaWiki:Topics-Sastra
- Podcast, MediaWiki:Topics-Podcast
- Cuisine, MediaWiki:Topics-Cuisine
How to change topic image[edit source]
The new library page looks for topic image under the following file pattern:
Where TOPICNAME is the name of the topic (no uppercase is needed). So simply uploading an image with the matching name will make the topic to use that image.