Literature Peduli Pengungsi

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In English

fire, flood, etc. which resulted in the residents losing their property, clothing and clothing

the food he has. I feel sorry and sad to see them afflicted with a heavy misfortune, but it is the will of Allah swt., to test his servants. I imagine when I being in that position, it must be very sad and hurt, therefore we as citizens of the same country we must support each other help even if it's only a little that only we can give, but for them it's very valuable and useful to him. So in conclusion, give some of our wealth to those in need, even though we can't give much, at least we have the intention of helping our fellow brothers and sisters who are in trouble. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berfirman:

َس بِ ل ر َيْ ْ ال اَ ْن ْوا ُّ ْم قِبَ َل َول ُو ُجْوهَكُ َم ْشِر ِق تُ ْ ِر ِب َو ال َمغْ ال ـ ِك ن ْ ٰ بِ ر َول َم َن َم ال ْن ْ ٰ َو بِ هّٰللِ ا ا ا يَ ْوِم ْ ل ِر ا ْلٰ ئِ َک ِة َو ِخ ا ٰٓ ٰ َمل ْ ِب َو ل ا ِكتٰ ْ َن َو ل ا لن بِي ۚ ّٖ ٰ َو ى ا َم تَ ا ْ ال

َل ى ِ ّٖه ٰ ْرٰبى ِو ُحب ى َعل ذَ قُ ْ ٰم َو ى ال ا يَتٰ ْ َم ٰس ِكيْ َن َو ل ا ْ َو ل ا

ِل ۚ ا َو لس آٰئِِليْ َن فِى َو بْنََ الس بِيْ ِ رقَا َو ال ِب ۚ اَ قَا َ م وةَ ٰ ال صل ٰ َو ى ا َو ال ز ٰک ۚ ا تَ وةَ

ْو َن ُمْوفُ ْ ْم ل ْوا َه بِعَ ْهِد ِه اِذَا دُ ِء يْ َن َو ٰع ۚ ا َس ل هصبِ ِر فِى آٰ ْ بَأ ْ ِحيْ َن ِء َو ال ا ِس َو ل ض رآٰ ْ بَأ ال ۚ ئِ َك ْ ٰٓ ٰ ا ِذيْ َن ُول ال ْوا َص َدقُ ئِ َك َو ۚ اُ ٰٓ ْو َن ٰ ُمت قُ ْ ُم ال ول هُ

"The virtue is not turning your face towards the east and west, but the virtue is (virtue) those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the books, and the prophets, and give the wealth he loves to his relatives, orphans, the poor, those on the way (travelers), beggars, and to free slaves, those who pray and pay zakat, those who keep their promises when they make promises, and those who are patient in poverty. , suffering, and in times of war. They are the righteous and they are the pious." (QS. Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat 177)

So don't forget to share with those in need, even if it's small for them, it's big.

In Indonesian

Kita sebagai masyarakat yang melihat warga yang terkena bencana seperti tsunami,

kebakaran, banjir, dll yang mengakibatkan warga tersebut kehilangan harta, pakaian serta sandang pangan yang dia miliki. Saya merasa kasihan dan sedih melihat mereka tertimpa musibah yang berat, tapi itu sudah kehendak Allah swt., Untuk menguji hambanya. Saya membayangkan ketika saya berada di posisi tersebut, pasti sangat sedih dan sakit hati, maka dari itu kita sebagai warganegara yang sama kita harus saling membantu walaupun hanya sedikit yang hanya bisa kita berikan, tetapi bagi mereka itu sangat berharga dan berguna baginya. Jadi kesimpulannya berilah sebagian harta kita bagi mereka yang membutuhkan walaupun kita tidak bisa memberi banyak setidaknya kita sudah berniat membantu sesama saudara kita yang lagi kesusahan. Al Quran juga menjelaskan pada surat Al Baqarah ayat 177: Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala berfirman:

َس بِ ل ر َيْ ْ ال اَ ْن ْوا ُّ َول ْم قِبَ َل ا ُو ُجْوهَكُ َم ْشِر ِق تُ ْ ِر ِب َو ل َمغْ ال ـ ِك ن ْ ٰ بِ ر َول َم َن َم ال ْن ْ ٰ َو بِ هّٰللِ ا ا ا يَ ْوِم ْ ل ِر ا ْلٰ ئِ َک ِة َو ِخ ا ٰٓ ٰ َمل ْ ِب َو ل ا ِكتٰ ْ َن َو ل ا لن بِي ۚ ّٖ ٰ َو ى ا َم تَ ا ْ ال

َل ى ِ ّٖه ٰ ْرٰبى ِو ُحب ى َعل ذَ قُ ْ ٰم َو ى ال ا يَتٰ ْ َم ٰس ِكيْ َن َو ل ا ْ َو ل ا

ِل ۚ ا َو لس آٰئِِليْ َن فِى َو بْنََ الس بِيْ ِ رقَا َو ال ِب ۚ اَ قَا َ م وةَ ٰ ال صل ٰ َو ى ا َو ال ز ٰک ۚ ا تَ وةَ

ْو َن ُمْوفُ ْ ْم ل ْوا َه بِعَ ْهِد ِه اِذَا دُ ِء يْ َن َو ٰع ۚ ا َس ل هصبِ ِر فِى آٰ ْ بَأ ْ ِحيْ َن ِء َو ال ا ِس َو ل ض رآٰ ْ بَأ ال ۚ ئِ َك ْ ٰٓ ٰ ا ِذيْ َن ُول ال ْوا َص َدقُ ئِ َك َو ۚ اُ ٰٓ ْو َن ٰ ُمت قُ ْ ُم ال ول هُ

"Kebajikan itu bukanlah menghadapkan wajahmu ke arah timur dan ke barat, tetapi kebajikan itu ialah (kebajikan) orang yang beriman kepada Allah, hari Akhir, malaikat-malaikat, kitab-kitab, dan nabi-nabi, dan memberikan harta yang dicintainya kepada kerabat, anak yatim, orang-orang miskin, orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan (musafir), peminta-minta, dan untuk memerdekakan hamba sahaya, yang melaksanakan sholat dan menunaikan zakat, orang-orang yang menepati janji apabila berjanji, dan orang yang sabar dalam kemelaratan, penderitaan, dan pada masa peperangan. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang benar dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang bertakwa." (QS. Al-Baqarah 2: Ayat 177) Maka dari itu jangan lupa berbagi kepada orang yang membutuhkan, walaupun kecil bagi mereka itu


In Makassar