Rahmawati (XII DKV1)

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Title (Indonesian)
Rahmawati (XII DKV1)
Title (Makassar)
Rahmawati (XII DKV1)
Photo Reference
Rahmawati (XII DKV1)
Photograph credit
SMA (high school)
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Rahmawati (XII DKV1)
Institution / School / Organization
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    What is your idea in embracing tolerance for religious diversity in your community?



    In English

    My name is Rahmawati, class XII DKV1.The idea of ​​inter-religious community means a state of inter-religious relations which is based on tolerance, mutual understanding, respect for equality in the practice of their religious teachings and cooperation in the life of society, nation and state. Religious people are given the freedom to worship according to their respective religions. Do not criticize or insult other religions for any reason.

    In Indonesian

    Nama saya adalah Rahmawati,kelas XII DKV1.Ide tentang antar umat beragama berarti keadaan hubungan sesama umat beragama yang dilandasi toleransi, saling pengertian, menghargai kesetaraan dalam pengamalan ajaran agamanya dan kerja sama dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara.Umat beragama diberi kebebasan beribadah sesuai dengan agama masing- masing. Tidak mencela atau menghina agama lain dengan alasan apapun.

    In Makassar

    Arengku iyamiantu RAHMAWATI,kelas sampulonrua DKV se're.Nipikkiriki anne umma' beragamayya massing si hargai ki ilalang ri agamayya,siagang ni gaukangi ilalang ri masaraka ka ri bangsa ta ri negara ta,kabusu umma' agamayya,ni sarei kabebasang untu' annyomba tena ni callai siagang tena ni hinai agama maraenga

    In Buginese

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