Review Film The Last Trepangers (Naurah, Ulya & Zaskia)

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Title (Indonesian)
Ulasan Film The Last Trepangers (Naurah, Ulya & Zaskia)Ulasan Film The Last Trepangers (Naurah, Ulya & Zaskia)
Title (Makassar)
Wasselek ulasang pelleng The Last Trepangers (Naurah, Ulya & Zaskia)
Photo Reference
Photograph credit
SMA (high school)
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Naurah Dinda Salsabila
  • Ulya Azizah Adyputri
  • Zaskia Zalsabilah
Institution / School / Organization
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    In English

    The Last Trepangers: A Brother from Across The Sea is an animated film produced by Rumata' Artspace, Makassar International Writers Festival (MIWF) and Makko Mikki, as well as the Faculty of Visual Design and Communication, Makassar State University (UNM). Overall the film was worked on by Makassar people. Starting from the animators, writers and producers from Makassar. This film is highly recommended to watch because it is a film education material. This means that it can be accessed by anyone who wants to watch on the platform that has been prepared.

    This film tells the story of twin brothers Hasan and Hasni who lived in Makassar in 1907. They were waiting for the return of their older brother who sailed to Marege, Northern Australia to look for sea cucumbers. The story of Hasan and Hasni was inspired by the history of the sea cucumber trade that took place in the mid-18th to early 20th centuries, connecting Makassar and Marege for more than two hundred years.

    The film The Last Trepangers is also called historical storytelling. Historical storytelling through animation is an educational and entertainment medium that is not only interesting but also has the potential to disseminate knowledge and history of the nation to a wide audience, especially for the younger generation who are very familiar with audio-visual media through various entertainment applications and social media such as YouTube. , Instagram, and TikTok. We don't need to worry about the language in it, the film The Last Trepangers is packed using Indonesian with a Makassar accent. Not only that, the film also provides English subtitles.

    In Indonesian

    The Last Trepangers: A Brother from Across The Sea merupakan Film animasi yg diproduksi oleh Rumata' Artspace, Makassar International Writers Festival (MIWF) dan Makko Mikki, serta Fakultas Desain dan Komunikasi Visual Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM). Secara keseluruhan film tersebut digarap orang Makassar. Mulai dari animator, penulis serta produsernya berasal dari Makassar. Film ini sangat lah recomended untuk di tonton karena merupakan film educational materials. Artinya bisa diakses oleh siapa pun yang ingin menonton di platform yang telah disiapkan.

    Film ini bercerita tentang saudara kembar Hasan dan Hasni yang hidup di Makassar pada tahun 1907. Mereka menanti kepulangan kakak mereka yang berlayar ke Marege, Australia bagian Utara untuk mencari teripang. Kisah Hasan dan Hasni terinspirasi oleh sejarah perdagangan teripang yang berlangsung di pertengahan abad ke-18 hingga awal abad ke-20, yang menghubungkan Makassar dan Marege selama dua ratus tahun lebih.

    Film The last trepangers ini jg di sebut storytelling sejarah. Storytelling sejarah melalui animasi merupakan salah satu media edukasi dan hiburan yang tidak hanya menarik tapi juga berpotensi bagi penyebarluasan ilmu pengetahuan dan sejarah bangsa ke khalayak luas, terutama bagi generasi muda yang sudah sangat familiar dengan media audio visual melalui berbagai aplikasi hiburan dan media sosial seperti YouTube, Instagram, dan TikTok.

    Kita Tidak perlu khawatir dengan bahasa di dalamnya, film The Last Trepangers dikemas dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan logat Makassar. Tidak hanya itu, dalam film tersebut juga disediakan subtitle Bahasa Inggris.

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