One Day in Makassar - Jalan bersama teman baru

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Revision as of 02:22, 1 October 2023 by Ichsan ibnu (talk | contribs) (Edited automatically from page Government One Day in Makassar - Jalan bersama teman baru.)
One Day in Makassar - Jalan bersama teman baru
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    Pancasila Sanctity Day is an important moment for us to celebrate the values ​​of Pancasila which prioritize unity, oneness and diversity. The relationship between road friends is a reflection of the spirit of mutual cooperation and brotherhood reflected in Pancasila, which strengthens friendship and supports each other on the journey of life.

    In Makassar

    In Indonesian

    Hari Kesaktian Pancasila adalah momen penting bagi kita untuk merayakan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang mengedepankan persatuan, kesatuan, dan keberagaman. Hubungan teman jalan merupakan cerminan dari semangat gotong royong dan persaudaraan yang tercermin dalam Pancasila, yang memperkuat persahabatan dan saling mendukung dalam perjalanan kehidupan.