From BASAsulselWiki
Gen Z, dominating the 2024 Election, holds a political perspective centered on social programs and environmental sustainability, influenced by environmental issues. Prabowo gains Gen Z support through social media, especially TikTok, by showcasing care for stray cats and popular videos like "Prabowo jalan tuing tuing." The rise of Gibran, Prabowo's 35-year-old vice president, also garners support as Gen Z believes age is not a barrier to leadership. With a preference for audiovisual information, Gen Z forms opinions and casts votes through their social media platforms. +
The nation's next young generation +
Inter-religious harmony is very important in Indonesia because if the Indonesian people do not have harmony, there will be disputes, hostility and quarrels which are called conflicts. +
History of Sea Cucumbers +
Interfaith Harmony +
What is the most viral issue ahead of the 2024 elections? Maybe one of them is the behavior of generation Z who are considered apathetic and indifferent to politics. Maybe this is the result of observations or research results so that many are worried about the indifference of the generation who fall into the category of ink novice voters. +
Young people more interested in memes and emojis than laws bring a fresh perspective to politics, infusing innovative spirit that requires a journey to blend creativity with deeper understanding. +
So, religious harmony is a state of inter-religious relations based on tolerance, mutual understanding and mutual respect in the practice of religious teachings and cooperation in social life +
Jalangkote +
Jalangkote +
Jalangkote +
Sago food is a habit of the people of Takkalala Village which is included in the anre pong category. Anre pong is a heavy food. +
If the government from the beginning makes a firm policy, then Covid-19 will decrease. +
If you use renewable energy sources, the environment will be maintained because this energy is more environmentally friendly and does not cause pollution or even environmental exploitation. Even if compared to other energy, renewable energy is cheaper because the costs incurred are less. Renewable energy sources can be produced directly by the community because the materials are easy to find, so that the community will be independent in terms of energy acquisition and no longer cause dependence on the government. As a result, the country's economy is likely to increase due to an increase in spending in other sectors by the people. +
Taripang cake +
Children's book. +