BASAbali/BASAibu Wiki is a community-developed wiki whose purpose is to provide a platform for the community to speak out, celebrate, and create an evolving repository for the community. Please find out more about us at
Any content cited from this wiki must acknowledge the authors (where authors are specified), BASAbali/BASAibu Wiki and also include a link to the article.
We thank you all of the users, sponsors and donors for your support. Without the thousands of people who have contributed to and continue to contribute to, edit, and use this wiki, it would not continue to be the useful resource it has evolved into. We'd especially like to thank Fondation Botnar for their multiyear support to deepen the Balinese cultural wiki in Bali and to replicate in Makassar, South Sulewesi. As a result of that support, we have morphed into BASAibu Wiki (mother language wiki) which will be the umbrella for BASAbali Wiki and BASAsulsel Wiki.
In addition to the special donors listed on particular shelves or entries in the wiki, we also would like to thank the following for wiki-wide assistance: