Solusi untuk kelangkaan primer bagi pelaku UMKM

From BASAsulselWiki
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    Sakranna Anak Mudayya


    33 months ago
    Score 2++
    Bajik mentongi Anne ussulunaa👍


    33 months ago
    Score 1++


    33 months ago
    Score 0++
    Porena Tawwa👍💯
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    In your opinion, what steps should be taken by the government in overcoming the problem of scarcity of primary needs for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises?


    EmbedVideo received the bad id "" for the service "youtube".

    In English

    Hello all my brothers this time I have made a video on Instagram entitled "solution for primary scarcity for MSME actors", where it is known that our area is currently experiencing a primary shortage, one of which is cooking oil, this problem is caused by the high price of oil on the market because That's why I gave a solution to all of us, how to solve this problem, now please watch the video I uploaded on Bassulsel's Instagram account

    In Indonesian

    Hallo saudaraku semua kali ini saya telah membuat video di Instagram yang berjudul "solusi untuk kelangkaan primer bagi pelaku UMKM", di mana di ketahui didaerah kita sekarang ini sedang mengalami kelangkaan primer salah satunya yaitu minyak goreng , masalah ini di timbulkan akibat mahalnya harga minyak di pasaran oleh karena itu saya memberikan solusi kepada kita semua bagaimana cara mengatasi masalah tersebut nah silahkan tonton video yang saya upload di akun Instagram

    In Makassar

    Apa kareba Sarikbattangku ngaseng ? Bajik - bajik ngaseng jaki to ?, Alhamdulillah , RI pakrasanganta Kamma - Kamma ya Anne okalami ni Boya nikanaya minyak kanre nasaba sanna kakjalana ballinna ri pasa - pasaraka ,na iya Anjo nakupawwa ngasengki batena taua Ambajiki Anne masaala minyak kanre ,na Saba anjo na nikkulleiki rodo' riciniki pideo niaka ri akun Instagram basasulsel

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