Literature Gempa Bumi di Sulawesi Tengah

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

Last September 28, Indonesia was hit by a disaster, the disaster occurred in the Province of Central Sulawesi, precisely in the cities of Palu, Sigi and Donggala. An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter scale has devastated destroy the city. More than 2000 bodies were found, but that's not quite the number sure, the causes were swept away by the tsunami and liquefaction for the victims who were buried by the mud and wreckage.

The earthquake was an unprecedented earthquake, because the earthquake was accompanied by with liquefaction, namely the change in the structure of the soil into mud. This phenomenon occurs because in the city hammer the structure of the ground is sandy, The current shaking caused by an earthquake. This tragedy is used from various circles, There are many volunteers from countries who want to help

residents of the city of Palu and its surroundings, but the Indonesian foreign ministry declared the decision to make direct contact to volunteer in disaster areas.

In Indonesian

28 September lalu, Indonesia dilanda musibah, musibah tersebut terjadi di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah,

tepatnya di kota Palu, Sigi dan Donggala. Gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,4 skala ritcher telah memporak porandakan pihak kota tersebut. Lebih dari 2000 jenazah ditemukan, namun itu belum jumlah yang pasti, sebab-sebab tersapu tsunami dan likuifaksi bagi korban yang tertimbun oleh lumpur dan reruntuhan.  Gempa tersebut merupakan gempa yang belum pernah terjadi, karena gempa tersebut dibarengi dengan likuifaksi, yaitu berubahnya struktur tanah menjadi lumpur. Fenomena ini terjadi karena di kota palu struktur tanahnya berpasir, Goncangan saat ini yang ditimbulkan gempa bumi. Tragedi ini digunakan dari berbagai kalangan, Ada banyak relawan dari negara yang ingin membantu

warga kota Palu dan sekitarnya, namun kementerian luar negeri Indonesia menyatakan keputusan untuk melakukan hubungan langsung untuk menjadi relawan di kawasan bencana.

In Makassar

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