Literature Banjir bandang

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What would you do with the refugees coming to your place from conflict-prone areas, such as with what's currently happening in Ukraine?


In English

1. This flash flood is caused by humans throwing garbage into the river. And when it rains, the river overflows into residential areas.

2. The victims of the banjir bandang disaster fled to their friends/family's houses for a while 3. They had to evacuate because their houses were flooded quite high. 4. They all feel guilty for throwing garbage into the river. Now their house is flooded and their condition looks terrible. 5. My feelings when I saw their houses flooded were very sad because I saw their expressions that they were very sorry for throwing garbage into the river. 6. To help flood victims, namely by sending proper clothing, logistical clothing, women's needs, baby needs, and temporary relocation.

7. My advice to friends is not to throw garbage into the river but throw the garbage in the trash so that flash floods do not happen again like what the victim experienced.

In Indonesian

1. Banjir bandang ini disebabkan oleh manusia yang membuang sampah ke sungai. Dan ketika hujan, sungai itupun meluap ke pemukiman warga.

2. Korban-korban bencana banjir bandang itupun mengungsi ke rumah sodara/keluarga mereka untuk sementara waktu 3. Mereka harus mengungsi karena rumah mereka terendam cukup tinggi. 4. Mereka semua merasa bersalah karena membuang sampah ke sungai itu. Sekarang rumah mereka terendam banjir dan keadaan mereka terlihat memprihatinkan. 5. Perasaan saya melihat rumah mereka yang terendam banjir sangat sedih karena melihat ekspresi mereka sangat menyesal karena telah membuang sampah ke sungai tersebut. 6. Untuk membantu para korban banjir yaitu dengan mengirimkan pakaian layak, pakaian logistik, Kebutuhan wanita, kebutuhan bayi, dan relokasi sementara.

7. Saran saya kepada teman-teman adalah jangan membuang sampah ke sungai tapi buanglah sampah di tempat sampah agar tidak terjadi lagi bencana banjir bandang seperti yg dialami korban tersebut.

In Makassar

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