review "animated film The Last Trepangers"

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Title (Indonesian)
Review "film animasi The Last Trepangers"
Title (Makassar)
Review "film animasi The Last Trepangers
Photo Reference
Photograph credit
Mahasiswa (college students)
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Ino Putri Ardania
Institution / School / Organization
Universitas Negeri Makassar
Related Places

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    In English

    This film is classified as historical because it tells the story of the origins of the Makassar people who became sailors. Like Daeng Nurdin who went to wander in Marege (Australia) looking for sea cucumbers. From this it becomes a serious problem because it is the culture of the Makassar people. As for the two younger twins who faithfully await the return of their older brother Daeng Nurdin, who has never come home before bringing results from there.

    In Indonesian

    film ini tergolong sejarah karena menceritakan tentang alur asal mula orang Makassar menjadi seorang pelaut. Seperti Daeng Nurdin yang pergi merantau di Marege (Australia) yang mencari teripang. Dari hal ini menjadi persoalan serius karena merupakan budaya orang Makassar. Adapun dua orang adik kembar yang dengan setia menanti kepulangan kakaknya Daeng Nurdin yang dimana iya pantang pulang sebelum membawa hasil dari sana.

    In Makassar

    In Buginese

    In Torajanese

    Yate film tergolong sejarah saba' na pacaritan ki to alur asal mulla na tau Jo mangkasa' na dari i pelaut. susimoto Daeng Nurdin male i merantau lako Marege (Australia) na daka' teripang. yamoto na jadi persoalan serius saba' budaya na mo tau mangkasa'. Den duka da'dua adinna ungkampai bang mi kakanna, yamoto Daeng Nurdin. Nokak i Sule ke tae apa na bawa

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