review animasi The Last Trepangers; A Brother from Across the Sea. Raikhal Rasyid 220806502017

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Title (Indonesian)
review animasi The Last Trepangers; A Brother from Across the Sea. Raikhal Rasyid 220806502017
Title (Makassar)
review animasi The Last Trepangers; A Brother from Across the Sea. Raikhal Rasyid 220806502017
Photo Reference
Photograph credit
Mahasiswa (college students)
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • ichsan
Institution / School / Organization
Universitas Negeri Makassar Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual
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    In English

    This film has various languages ​​and also has English subtitles where if someone doesn't know the language used in the animation, they can use the subtitles. This animation is also interesting because in it there is the Makassar language and in this animation there are traditional Makassar clothes from a few years ago. And in my opinion the visual animation is very good because it uses 3D animation so the results are very satisfying

    In Indonesian

    Film ini memiliki beragam bahasa dan juga memiliki subtitle bahasa inggris dimana ketika seseorang tidak mengetahui bahasa yang digunakan dalam animasi tersebut dapat menggunakan subtitlenya. Animasi ini jga menarik karena di dalamnya terdapat bahasa makassar serta di dalam animasi ini terdapat baju adat khas makassar di beberapa tahun yang lalu.

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