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Page title matches
- #REDIRECT [[COVID 19]]22 bytes (2 words) - 05:17, 10 April 2020
- |Page Title id=COVID-19174 bytes (21 words) - 13:34, 13 August 2022
- |Page Title id=Covid-19 |Page Title en=Covid-19308 bytes (40 words) - 05:04, 11 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan covid 19 |Page Title en=covid 19 education350 bytes (44 words) - 08:34, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=SEPUTAR COVID-19239 bytes (33 words) - 12:14, 11 August 2022
- |Page Title id=KENDALA BELAJAR COVID-19245 bytes (32 words) - 12:02, 11 August 2022
- |Page Title id=pengaruh buruk covid 19 |Page Title en=bad influence of covid 191,000 bytes (137 words) - 05:18, 9 July 2021
- |Page Title id=malas belajar selama covid 19 |Page Title en=lazy to study during covid 19696 bytes (107 words) - 08:38, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=belajar dimasa pendemi covid-19 |Page Title en=learning during the covid-19 pandemic428 bytes (56 words) - 04:05, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan di pandemi covid-19 |Page Title=Pendidikan di pandemi covid-191 KB (147 words) - 17:19, 23 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pembelajaran selama pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Learning during pandemic covid-19840 bytes (117 words) - 23:59, 7 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Tentang Vaksinasi COVID-19 (Kesehatan) ...lusi yang paling tepat untuk mengurangi dan memutus rantai penularan Covid-19. Karena tujuan melakukan vaksinasi untuk memberikan kekebalan kepada tubuh,2 KB (361 words) - 10:51, 4 September 2021
- |Page Title id=TEKNOLOGI DI MASA COVID 19248 bytes (32 words) - 11:48, 11 August 2022
- |Page Title id=pembelajaran di tengah pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Learning process in pandemic covid-192 KB (355 words) - 12:22, 6 July 2021
- |Page Title id=BELAJAR DI SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 |Page Title en=LEARNING DURING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19266 bytes (37 words) - 13:20, 13 August 2022
- |Page Title id=Perekonomian Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 |Page Title other=Perekonomian Ring Pandemi Covid 193 KB (353 words) - 06:26, 16 October 2021
- |Page Title id="Pendidikan di masa pandemi Covid - 19" |Page Title en="Education during the Covid-19 pandemic"5 KB (655 words) - 04:55, 11 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Masyarakat Kebingungan Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 |Page Title=Masyarakat Kocar-Kacir Ulian Gering Agung Covid-192 KB (284 words) - 05:13, 16 October 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan di tengah pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Education in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic494 bytes (71 words) - 03:12, 9 July 2021
- |Page Title id=PEMBELAJARAN DI TENGAH PANDEMIC COVID 19255 bytes (35 words) - 12:17, 11 August 2022
Page text matches
- |Page Title id=Covid-19 |Page Title en=Covid-19308 bytes (40 words) - 05:04, 11 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan covid 19 |Page Title en=covid 19 education350 bytes (44 words) - 08:34, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=belajar dimasa pendemi covid-19 |Page Title en=learning during the covid-19 pandemic428 bytes (56 words) - 04:05, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Menjelaskan secara singkat tentang covid-19 |Page Title en=Briefly explain about covid-19478 bytes (61 words) - 09:08, 24 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan di masa pandemic covid 19 |Page Title en=Education during the covid-19 pandemic471 bytes (63 words) - 05:47, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Keluh kesah ditengah pembelajaran online pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Complaints about learning in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic746 bytes (97 words) - 15:32, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Video Pendidikan di masa pandemic covid 19 |Page Title en=Educational Videos during the covid 19 pandemic522 bytes (69 words) - 04:12, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pendidikan di tengah pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Education in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic494 bytes (71 words) - 03:12, 9 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Pembelajaran di tengah pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Learning in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic484 bytes (68 words) - 05:05, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=BELAJAR DI SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 |Page Title en=LEARNING DURING THE PANDEMIC COVID-19266 bytes (37 words) - 13:20, 13 August 2022
- |Page Title id=Mengenai keluh kesah saat belajar daring akibat covid-19 |Page Title en=Regarding complaints when studying online due to covid-19636 bytes (87 words) - 05:27, 22 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Seorang Siswa Ingin Mengumpul Tugas Di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 |Page Title en=A Student Wants to Collect Assignments During the Covid 19 Pandemic634 bytes (93 words) - 03:18, 9 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Strategi pembelajaran di era pandemi covid-19 |Page Title en=Learning strategies in the era of the covid-19702 bytes (98 words) - 05:12, 16 October 2021
- |Page Title id=pengalamanku tentang pendidikan di tengah pandemi covid 19 (keluh kesah) |Page Title en=my experience about education in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic (complaining)680 bytes (90 words) - 03:39, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Curhatan mahasiswa tentang kuliah online selama pandemi - 19 |Page Title en=Student's confided about online lectures during the pandemic - 19994 bytes (140 words) - 15:31, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Suatu Kendala dan solusi pembelajaran daring di era covid-19 ...Title en=An obstacle and solution for online learning in the era of covid-19619 bytes (95 words) - 03:01, 9 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Kendala dan Solusi Pembelajaran selama Pandemi Covid-19 |Page Title en=Obstacles and Learning Solutions during the Covid-19 Pandemic970 bytes (135 words) - 15:24, 8 July 2021
- |Page Title id=Cerita Belajar Online Diwaktu Pandemi Covid-19 |Page Title en=Online Learning Stories During Pandemic Covid-191 KB (144 words) - 15:32, 8 July 2021
- |Title=Mulat Sarira Ring COVID 19 |Description text en=In a world like this, the so-called covid virus 19. Don't be a little offended, because you don't get rice donations. Come on997 bytes (146 words) - 03:42, 16 October 2021
- |Page Title id=pengaruh buruk covid 19 |Page Title en=bad influence of covid 191,000 bytes (137 words) - 05:18, 9 July 2021