Bari ri kanre-kanreanga

From BASAsulselWiki
Other forms of "membasi"
Part of speech
Adjective, Noun, Verb
Indonesian Translation
basi (adjective)
  • mulai berbau tidak sedap atau berasa masam karena sudah mengalami proses pembusukan (tentang makanan):
English Translation
stale (adjective)
  • starting to smell bad or taste sour because it has gone through a spoilage process (about food):
Sentence Examples
jai mi basi basi ri pommoneang lorongku ka sallomi ku boli
I already have a lot of keremi in my trash because I've been straying from them for a long time.
sudah banyak keremi di tempat sampah saya karena saya sudah lama menyimpannya
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