nunjuk apa tuh

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nunjuk apa tuh
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    Jl. Pendidikan
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    Of all the places you explored this morning, which one did you think was the most interesting? Come on, tell your version!

    In English

    A day with Temanjalan x Basasulsel, more or less 5km of housing alleys that are very rarely visited, and "ohhh it turns out this is the atmosphere, ohh this is how complex people behave, ohhh it turns out there are lots of people growing fruit in the complex, and it's cool tawwa ornaments and the architecture of the house."

    In Makassar

    sehari dengan temanjalanxbasasulsel, melewati 5km lorong-lorong perumahan yang jarangki dilewati orang-orang, dan setelahku iku ohh inimi perumahan, begini suasananya, ohh tawwa nabikin orang kompleks, ogg dikompleks pade menanamji orang2 di dan tawwa beh bagus sekali ukir-ukirannya sama arsitektur rumahna

    Property "Biography text mak" (as page type) with input value "sehari dengan temanjalanxbasasulsel, melewati 5km lorong-lorong perumahan yang jarangki dilewati orang-orang, dan setelahku iku' "ohh inimi perumahan, begini suasananya, ohh tawwa nabikin orang kompleks, ogg dikompleks pade menanamji orang2 di' dan tawwa beh bagus sekali ukir-ukirannya sama arsitektur rumahna"" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

    In Indonesian

    Sehari bersama teman jalan x basasulsel, melewati kurang lebih 5km lorong-lorong perumahan yang sangat jarang dilewati, dann "ohhh ternyata begini suasananya, ohh begini kelakuannya orang kompleks, ohhh ternyata dikompleks banyak juga yang tanam buah2han di', dan keren-keren tawwa ornamen dan arsitektur rumahnya".