Difference is Not an Excuse

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Wikithon Winner
Title (Indonesian)
Perbedaan Bukan Alasan
Title (Makassar)
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Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Muh. Rasya Islami
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    Wikithon competition

    Muhammad Rasya Islami

    35 months ago
    Score 1++
    Good luck
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    EmbedVideo received the bad id "{{{Video}}}" for the service "youtube".


    In English

    A group of students, they have different beliefs or religions. How about this difference can create a good connection between people. This video is explained about how to collaborate, living and building trust each others can be containing the values of tolerance, sikatutui, and sipakalakbirik. And finally the video fits the theme of "harmonious life".

    In Indonesian

    Sekelompok pelajar yang di mana mereka ada yang berbeda kepercayaan. Bagaimana dengan perbedaan ini bisa menciptakan suatu karya yang bagus. Video ini dijelaskan tentang proses bagaimana karya tersebut bisa selesai dengan mengandung nilai toleransi, sikatutui, dan sipakalakbirik. Dan akhirnya video sesuai tema "kehidupan harmonis".

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