Literature Kebutuhan Primer Langka, Salah Siapa?

From BASAsulselWiki
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Sakranna Anak Mudayya


32 months ago
Score 1++
Boleh lah

Linda agus tin

32 months ago
Score 2++

Fitra aulia

32 months ago
Score 0++

Fitra aulia

32 months ago
Score 0++
Maju mundur syantikkk😍😍

Fitra aulia

32 months ago
Score 0++
Asikk jos😙😙


32 months ago
Score 0++
Bagus juga


32 months ago
Score 0++
bajiki tawwa

Irna Karim

32 months ago
Score 0++

Pingki Cantik

32 months ago
Score 0++
Iya tawwa


32 months ago
Score 0++
pakinta ki
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In your opinion, what steps should be taken by the government in overcoming the problem of scarcity of primary needs for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises?


In English

The increase in prices for primary needs has an impact on several parties. One of them, the scarcity of cooking oil in the market makes public as consumers think more to get it easily. Not only the public, UMKM actors are also affected by this phenomenon of scarcity of primary needs. Moreover, welcoming the month of Ramadan, which usually the prices of basic necessities also increase. So, this is our aspiration as young people in responding to this.

In Indonesian

Kenaikan harga kebutuhan primer berdampak pada beberapa pihak. Salah satunya, kelangkaan minyak goreng di pasaran membuat masyarakat sebagai konsumen memutar otak untuk mendapatkannya. Tidak hanya masyarakat, pelaku UMKM juga terkena imbas dari fenomena kelangkaan kebutuhan primer ini. Apalagi menyambut bulan Ramadhan yang biasanya harga kebutuhan pokok juga ikut naik. Jadi, inilah aspirasi kami sebagai anak muda dalam menyikapi hal ini.

In Makassar

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