Property:Response title en

From BASAsulselWiki
Showing 20 pages using this property.
_Prioritas Calon kepala daerah  +
"Be wise in choosing a leader"  +
"Key Priorities for Local Leadership Candidates: Well-Being, Health, and Sustainability"  +
"The Electoral System and the Quality of Democracy in Indonesia." NUR AULIAH WARSITA DKV 1  +
"Towards a Prosperous Makassar: Innovation and Collaboration in Overcoming Poverty"  +
"Uncovering the True Potential of Local Leaders: When Quality Speaks, Building Impactful Electoral Mechanisms."  +
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...  +
1 +
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Agriculture  +
Air pollution (Alfiah DKV III)  +
Attention to children as the golden generation in 2045  +
Attention to the increasing disparities in social status in society  +
Bad Services from health Workers  +
Barombong Stadium  +
Barombongg Stadium  +
Brilliant priorities  +