What could we do to reduce traffic jams?

From BASAsulselWiki

Syauqi aqram

19 months ago
Score 0++
membatasi volume kendaraan dari segi konsumen masyarakat, serta menerapkan aturan sistem ganjil genap yang efektif untuk pengguna jalan.

Bagus prasetyo

19 months ago
Score 0++
Memperbaiki sistem transportasi umum utamanya kereta agar masyarakat tidak harus menggunakan kendaraan pribadi

Anonymous user #1

18 months ago
Score 0 You
Mengutamakan menggunakan Transportasi Umum seperti TEMAN Bus…

Anonymous user #1

18 months ago
Score 0 You
Pakai pete2

Anonymous user #1

18 months ago
Score 0 You

Invest heavily into much better public transport that it can become a serious alternative to taking a car. Connecting from the MRT, train or bus stop to the office, home, supermarket, restaurant or wherever a person wants to travel to, has to improve too. Nobody wants to take the MRT to end up somewhere where they still have to fight through non-existing sidewalks or a long distance to arrive at their final destination. It has to be more convenient and efficient.

Cycling will only replace a car for short distances. For cycling; make certain areas completely car free where people can only use bikes, walk, use electric scooters or other non-motorized means of transportation.
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