Mental health in government

From BASAsulselWiki

This is a Response to the Kesehatan wikithon

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Menurut saya, menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung kesehatan mental bisa dimulai dengan membangun hubungan yang positif, saling mendengarkan, menghindari pengaruh negatif seperti pergaulan bebas dan dampak buruk sosial media, serta menjaga pola tidur dan tidak menormalisasi bullying sekecil apa pun. Pemerintah juga berperan dengan menyediakan layanan kesehatan mental yang mudah diakses, edukasi masyarakat, dan regulasi untuk melindungi individu dari diskriminasi serta perundungan.

In my opinion, creating an environment that supports mental health can start by building positive relationships, listening to each other, avoiding negative influences such as promiscuity and the bad impact of social media, as well as maintaining sleep patterns and not normalizing bullying, no matter how small. The government also plays a role by providing easily accessible mental health services, public education, and regulations to protect individuals from discrimination and bullying.


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