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Pages in category "WikithonResponse"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 270 total.
(previous page) (next page)"
- WikithonResponse:"Be wise in choosing a leader"
- WikithonResponse:"Key Priorities for Local Leadership Candidates: Well-Being, Health, and Sustainability"
- WikithonResponse:"Our City on the Edge, Communities Surrounded by Waste: The Role of Local Leaders in Prioritizing and Addressing Environmental Damage."
- WikithonResponse:"Responding to the employment crisis as a dilemma and paradox for Indonesian Gen-Z youth"
- WikithonResponse:"The Electoral System and the Quality of Democracy in Indonesia." NUR AULIAH WARSITA DKV 1
- WikithonResponse:"Towards a Prosperous Makassar: Innovation and Collaboration in Overcoming Poverty"
- WikithonResponse:"Uncovering the True Potential of Local Leaders: When Quality Speaks, Building Impactful Electoral Mechanisms."
- WikithonResponse:A little politic in indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Accumulation of waste in landfills
- WikithonResponse:Agricultural development
- WikithonResponse:Agriculture
- WikithonResponse:Air pollution (Alfiah DKV III)
- WikithonResponse:Air quality
- WikithonResponse:Anti-corruption
- WikithonResponse:Attention to children as the golden generation in 2045
- WikithonResponse:Attention to the increasing disparities in social status in society
- WikithonResponse:Calon kepala daerah
- WikithonResponse:Campus facilities and environment
- WikithonResponse:Check Gus Arya
- WikithonResponse:Child Marriage Limiting Youth Participation in Regional Development
- WikithonResponse:City facilities
- WikithonResponse:City security and order
- WikithonResponse:City waste management
- WikithonResponse:Clean water facilities
- WikithonResponse:Competition for the regent election
- WikithonResponse:Completing health facilities in remote areas
- WikithonResponse:Corruption and political system. Nujumum Niswah
- WikithonResponse:Coruption
- WikithonResponse:Cost of Higher Education
- WikithonResponse:Damaged roads
- WikithonResponse:Dari Rencana ke Realisasi: Prioritas Utama dalam Kepemimpinan Daerah
- WikithonResponse:Dead Price Education
- WikithonResponse:Decreased circulation of money and employment opportunities
- WikithonResponse:Developing regional head policies (suci)
- WikithonResponse:Development
- WikithonResponse:Digital Economic Development
- WikithonResponse:Dirty environmental conditions affect public health
- WikithonResponse:Dirty environmental conditions affect public health.
- WikithonResponse:Diversity Empowerment of South Sulawesi
- WikithonResponse:Diversity Empowerment of South Sulawesi.
- WikithonResponse:Don't let the earth cry because of our trash
- WikithonResponse:DPR performance is not good
- WikithonResponse:Dynamics of the "empty box" discourse in the 2024 South Sulawesi gubernatorial election: Challenges to local democracy
- WikithonResponse:Economic development
- WikithonResponse:Economic Prosperity
- WikithonResponse:Economy and Employment
- WikithonResponse:Education
- WikithonResponse:Education and training
- WikithonResponse:Education and training(putri anandhita dkv 2)
- WikithonResponse:Education Education at school
- WikithonResponse:Education gap and poverty
- WikithonResponse:Education'
- WikithonResponse:Education, economy and environment. (Siti arifah ika putri XI DKV 1)
- WikithonResponse:Efforts to prevent early marriage among underage teenagers
- WikithonResponse:Empowerment of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the development of local industries and job creation.
- WikithonResponse:English: Access to quality education is essential for the future of a region. The head of the region must focus on improving educational infrastructure, training teachers, and providing equal opportunities for all children to succeed in school.
- WikithonResponse:Enhancing Public Transportation: Reducing Traffic and Boosting Quality of Life in Maros-Makassar
- WikithonResponse:Environment
- WikithonResponse:Environment issues
- WikithonResponse:Environmental damage
- WikithonResponse:Environmental management
- WikithonResponse:Erroneous Policies Lead to Public Suffering!
- WikithonResponse:Expensive Education and Decommercialization: Quality decreases and is shackled
- WikithonResponse:Facilities and infrastructure are still considered inadequate in education (Muh Afdal Multasyam)
- WikithonResponse:Facilities for students
- WikithonResponse:Facing Natural Disasters with Green Leadership: Regional Head Candidates' Strategies to Address the Environmental Crisis
- WikithonResponse:Fasilitas Makassar yang di bawah dari kata layak
- WikithonResponse:Flood Management and Abandoned Facilities in Makassar
- WikithonResponse:From trash heaps to the pinnacle of progress: why regional heads must become environmental heroes?
- WikithonResponse:Future Poverty Elimination Program Plan by The Regiona Head of Makassar, South Sulawesi
- WikithonResponse:I think idk
- WikithonResponse:Illegal parking
- WikithonResponse:Illegal parking everywhere
- WikithonResponse:Improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
- WikithonResponse:Improve the welfare of society well
- WikithonResponse:Improving agricultural infrastructure in Sidrap district, including improving roads, irrigation and accessibility to markets so that farmers can sell their products more easily.
- WikithonResponse:Improving equitable access to education
- WikithonResponse:Improving human welfare and development
- WikithonResponse:Improving infrastructure and transportation
- WikithonResponse:Improving public health (Siti Athirah Ramadhani)
- WikithonResponse:Improving the quality of education ( witri septria putri X DKV II )
- WikithonResponse:Improving the quality of education for human resources
- WikithonResponse:Improving Waste Management and Environmental Sustainability in Makassar City
- WikithonResponse:In my opinion, environmental pollution occurs because of human carelessness who do not think about the surrounding environment and unconsciously do things that pollute the environment.
- WikithonResponse:In the field of education
- WikithonResponse:In your opinion, what issues should be a priority for regional head candidates?
- WikithonResponse:In your opinion, what issues should be the priority of regional head candidates (Muh. Rezky Arfandy)
- WikithonResponse:Inadequate sidewalks
- WikithonResponse:Increasing human resources to reduce poverty
- WikithonResponse:Increasing social welfare and economic opportunities
- WikithonResponse:Increasingly severe traffic jams and irregular spatial planning in the city of Makassar
- WikithonResponse:Indonesian Political
- WikithonResponse:Indonesian political parties
- WikithonResponse:Indonesian politics
- WikithonResponse:Indonesian state politics
- WikithonResponse:Inequality of Access To Education in Indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure and Accessibility (Nabil)
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure development
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure development (Ika Dkv 1)
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure development (Syaikhah Dkv 1)
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure development, healthcare, and education.(Resky Amanda)
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure improvements are really that important??
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure in sustainable development
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure or development gap
- WikithonResponse:Infrastructure priority strategy for regional head candidates
- WikithonResponse:Infrastruktor(road)
- WikithonResponse:Integrated and Sustainable Tourism in South Sulawesi
- WikithonResponse:Irregular traffic lane
- WikithonResponse:Lack of awareness in preserving regional languages
- WikithonResponse:Lack of competition venues for students
- WikithonResponse:Lack of Education Among Youth and Children in Makassar
- WikithonResponse:Lack of government attention to the dry season in Makassar
- WikithonResponse:Lack of Handling of Public Services in Facing Crisis Lack of Inadequate Facilities
- WikithonResponse:Lack of infrastructure and transportation
- WikithonResponse:Lack of trees in urban areas
- WikithonResponse:Local Leaders and a New Hope for a Safer Makassar
- WikithonResponse:Obstacles in road infrastructure
- WikithonResponse:Oh gosh, paying for parking again
- WikithonResponse:One of the priority issues for regional head candidates is "education" NUR ZALSABILA BAKRI
- WikithonResponse:Our regent candidate in gowa(Nazrul Iksan syam)
- WikithonResponse:Overcoming Congestion and Improving Environmentally Friendly Public Transportation
- WikithonResponse:Pay more attention to the environment regarding cleanliness
- WikithonResponse:Pendidikan
- WikithonResponse:Peningkatan infrastruktur pertanian ri Kabupaten Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) iya ugai harus ditingkatkan
- WikithonResponse:Perbaikan jalan
- WikithonResponse:Persoalan pendidikan
- WikithonResponse:Politic in indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Political Parties and Climate Crisis as the root of deforestation
- WikithonResponse:Political party ( nurul zakinah)
- WikithonResponse:Political system in indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Politick Indonesia saat ini
- WikithonResponse:Politics in gowa(nur annisa)
- WikithonResponse:Politics in Gowa(Nurannisa)
- WikithonResponse:Politics in Indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Politics in Indonesian
- WikithonResponse:Politics Indonesians
- WikithonResponse:Politics that are happening now
- WikithonResponse:Politics that occur in Indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Politik di Indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Politik in country of Indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Politik in indonesia
- WikithonResponse:Poor
- WikithonResponse:Prices of basic commodities are increasing
- WikithonResponse:Prioritas Calon kepala daerah
- WikithonResponse:Priority Issues for Regional Head Candidates
- WikithonResponse:Priority of security and welfare in leading society Kirim masukan (Siti Athirah Ramadhani)
- WikithonResponse:Protect the environment and manage natural resources sustainably
- WikithonResponse:Public facilities are not paid enough attention
- WikithonResponse:Public facility that are not paid enough attention
- WikithonResponse:Public Order
- WikithonResponse:Public Policy and Political Participation (nur salsabila sriabadi)
- WikithonResponse:Public service
- WikithonResponse:Public transportation
- WikithonResponse:Public welfare
- WikithonResponse:Regent election politics (Muh ridho saputra
- WikithonResponse:Regional election politics
- WikithonResponse:Regional elections
- WikithonResponse:Regional head candidate
- WikithonResponse:Regional Languages Marginalized, Indonesian Language Misused: What Kind of Identity Do We Wear?
- WikithonResponse:Road construction/road repair(RESTI SYARIF DKV II)
- WikithonResponse:Road facilities and infrastructure that are not repaired