Why is mental health so important?

From BASAsulselWiki

This is a Response to the Kesehatan wikithon

While mental health issues has been a long ongoing problem, the stage of awareness towards these issues in these past couple years have only just been going up. Before, mental health issues was still seen as something that isn't that important, maybe even a taboo. But now ever since with the introduction of the internet, without even searching for it you can find plenty of material about mental health. But why is it so important to be aware of our and other's mental health? That is because if we do not deal with our mental health properly, and don't take care of it's wellbeing, it will take a very big toll on our mind and even our physical self. It can end up becoming a tremendous struggle to just keep on living our daily lives if we choose to ignore our mental health. So that is why, we must always keep being aware of our mental health and other's aswell to be able to have a functional, stable life.


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