Difference is not an excuse

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Revision as of 12:33, 10 January 2022 by User1 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{PageSponsor}} {{Intercultural |Title=Difference is not an excuse |Title id=Perbedaan Bukan Alasan |Original language=Indonesian |Photograph=Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 8.31.12...")
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Screen Shot 2022-01-10 at 8.31.12 PM.png
Title (Indonesian)
Perbedaan Bukan Alasan
Title (Makassar)
Photo Reference
Photograph credit
Author(s) / Contributor(s)
  • Muh. Rasya Islami
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    Wikithon competition

    Muhammad Rasya Islami

    32 months ago
    Score 1++
    Good luck
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    EmbedVideo received the bad id "{{{Video}}}" for the service "youtube".


    In English

    In Indonesian

    Sekelompok pelajar yang di mana mereka ada yang berbeda kepercayaan. Bagaimana dengan perbedaan ini bisa menciptakan suatu karya yang bagus. Video ini dijelaskan tentang proses bagaimana karya tersebut bisa selesai dengan mengandung nilai toleransi, sikatutui, dan sipakalakbirik. Dan akhirnya video sesuai tema "kehidupan harmonis".

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