Property:Biography text

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During my time living in Makassar, I just found out that there is a community as good as this, a healthy walk while telling the cultural corners of each suburb and center of Makassar city from the past to the present. really exciting and exchanging information about what we know about our culture MAKASSAR. Thank you Basasulsel and friends from Makassar.  +
Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop.  +
Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop.  +
On the sunlit shore, small footsteps leave traces in the sand, accompanied by the gentle whispers of the sea breeze. The evening slowly arrives, painting the sky with golden hues that reflect endless beauty. At the horizon's edge, the sun sets, as if bidding a final farewell before sinking behind the ocean. The heart then sinks into peace, accompanied by the calming sound of the waves, bringing hope for a new day that is soon to come.  +
love your lungs, avoid cigarettes!!! Cigarettes are a cylindrical object made of paper measuring between 70 and 120 mm long with a diameter of about 10 mm which contains chopped dry tobacco leaves. Cigarettes are burned at one end and allowed to smolder so that the smoke can be inhaled through the mouth at the other end. Cigarettes are factories for hazardous chemicals. Just by burning and smoking a cigarette, more than 4000 types of chemicals can be produced. 400 of them are toxic and 40 of them can accumulate in the body and can cause cancer. Cigarettes are also addictive substances because they can cause addiction (addiction) and dependency (dependence) for people who smoke them. In other words, cigarettes are included in the NAPZA group (Narcotics, Psychotropics, Alcohol and Addictive Substances). From the description above, it can be seen that the impact of people who only initially try smoking will eventually reach the addiction / addiction stage. If this has an impact on the next generation of children, it will have a very negative impact both for themselves and their environment. Children are the period most vulnerable to the influence of the environment. Association greatly affects a person as well as smoking habits. To be accepted by a group or friend someone will try to follow the habits of the group or friend. Without them realizing that smoking is actually contagious, it is the entrance to this type of addiction. factors that play a role in increasing the number of child smokers, including advertisements in the cigarette industry that depict smokers as successful individuals and have a glamorous lifestyle, or even symbolize virility; easy access to cigarettes and tobacco; relatively low price of tobacco products; peer pressure plays an important role; the presence of family members or even parents who also smoke. School-age children or adolescents who smoke will usually experience symptoms of a lack of focus on learning, difficulty understanding lessons because they experience decreased comprehension, are less active, experience anxiety disorders, which causes the child to experience depression. For children's health, exposure to cigarette smoke for children is very dangerous, because the immune system of children and infants is still not perfect. Besides being harmful to children's health, cigarette smoke can also interfere with growth and development. The solution to preventing smoking dependence in children can be started from the habits of the parents themselves by establishing good communication with children, setting a good example, providing education about the dangers of smoking; such as not good for health, the environment, and will have an impact on the finances itself and always pay attention to the association of children.  
These students choose to enter the mosque in their spare time rather than hide and smoke, smoking can bring us closer to diseases that will torment us, so it's good for us to get closer to God  +
Take a walk around the Faisal Street area. Faisal Street is known as the Faisal Islamic Hospital and there are many names for Faisal Street. Meanwhile, there are many residential houses where the atmosphere is calm and friendly.  +
A day in my life as walker with temanjalan.mks — full of experiences and new friends 🙌  +
My name is Fitriani Suci Ramadani, can be called holy. I'm in SMA Negeri 1 Gowa and I'm in grade 10. I live in BTN Berlian Indah to be precise in the sub-district. Pallangga, Kab. Gowa. I was born in Makassar, on October 17, 2006.  +
One day, walking around Makassar in early October, I saw that the building which was previously called Gedung Juang 45 had now become an Islamic school.  +
There are hope's that they want to make come true  +
Thank you, it turns out there are lots of beautiful places in Makassar "Today I'm walking with my friend, tomorrow maybe I'm walking with my life partner HAHA"  +
Smoking is so dangerous especially for children, stop smoking children and start more exciting activities with family, relatives, best friends and friends. Friends, avoid smoking because it can be a big loss for yourself and the environment. lets healthy life, healthy is expensive.  +
This photo is a photo of a music event which is generally attended by young people, but most music concert activities are sponsored by cigarette brands. This should be a concern for the government, they must make regulations regarding this matter, of course we don't want to normalize the behavior of smokers at a young age. One of the efforts to reduce the number of young smokers is by limiting the space for cigarette campaigns  +
Malino is not just a place with cold temperatures, but also a place filled with various tourist attractions in Malino, such as waterfalls or commonly known as Lembanna waterfalls, there are also lots of plants, such as strawberries, tomatoes, etc. a fresh place and the air is cool.  +
Villa Butta Karaeng is located on Jalan Manggarupii Paccinongang Somba Opu Gowa. Strategically located in the city of Makassar and Gowa, from the Gowa housing complex area, residents can reach important facilities and places more quickly.  +
Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop.  +
In this edition, Teman Jalan collaborated with Basa Sulsel under the theme "One Day in Makassar." My friends and I were assigned a route around Jl. Pendidikan. As we walked, we passed through Jl. Sultan Alauddin towards Jl. Rutan. At that moment, I saw the building of Campus 1 UIN Alauddin Makassar. I usually saw the building when driving, but this time it was more intense because I could see it more slowly. For a moment, the building brought back memories of my mother's youth. She used to tell me that she had an older sibling who used to study there. Then, why did my mother also come to Makassar even though she didn't go to college there? My mother helped her sibling take care of her child because her sibling had a child since college. My mother also told me about what Makassar was like back then, around the '80s/'90s. My mother always took the angkot (public transportation) to Sudiang, which was then still called the "end," because Sudiang was located at the end of Makassar, Jl. Manuruki with their many boarding houses, and she used to bathe by fetching water from the well at the boarding house she lived in. Truly, those memories made me, who pass by Jl. Manuruki almost every day, feel like I'm carrying my mother's spirit when she was young. Now, she is able to send me to college in Makassar, even though she couldn't afford to educate herself in Makassar back then. Long live, Mom.  +
better live without smoke than have to live without smoked meat.  +
Bili-Bili is not only a dam, but also a place where the story of this area is engraved in every curve of water and trees that adorns its surroundings. This is where we can feel the breath of nature, hear the sound of the wind whispering among the leaves, and watch the sun set gracefully behind the mountains. Bili-Bili is a reflection of the beauty and tranquility hidden in the natural beauty of South Sulawesi.  +