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Hopefully this library will continue to develop into a center of knowledge that provides inspiration and broad access for everyone to learn and develop. +
In this edition, Teman Jalan collaborated with Basa Sulsel under the theme "One Day in Makassar." My friends and I were assigned a route around Jl. Pendidikan. As we walked, we passed through Jl. Sultan Alauddin towards Jl. Rutan. At that moment, I saw the building of Campus 1 UIN Alauddin Makassar. I usually saw the building when driving, but this time it was more intense because I could see it more slowly. For a moment, the building brought back memories of my mother's youth. She used to tell me that she had an older sibling who used to study there. Then, why did my mother also come to Makassar even though she didn't go to college there? My mother helped her sibling take care of her child because her sibling had a child since college. My mother also told me about what Makassar was like back then, around the '80s/'90s. My mother always took the angkot (public transportation) to Sudiang, which was then still called the "end," because Sudiang was located at the end of Makassar, Jl. Manuruki with their many boarding houses, and she used to bathe by fetching water from the well at the boarding house she lived in. Truly, those memories made me, who pass by Jl. Manuruki almost every day, feel like I'm carrying my mother's spirit when she was young. Now, she is able to send me to college in Makassar, even though she couldn't afford to educate herself in Makassar back then. Long live, Mom. +
An interesting Story informs us that long before James cook sailed the northeastern coast of Australia, Makassar sailors regularly came to marage in search of sea cucumbers +
Identifikasi, Kebudayaan, dan Multikulturalisme (Muh Taufiq, Jusni Andriani, Razinatul Hidaya, Muh. Rizal) +
Multiculturalism is the term given to differences, diversity, plurality and other cultural varieties. multiculturalism has the ideas of equality, tolerance, mutual respect, and so on which is in line with one of the pillars of nationality, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika. As for the types of multiculturalism, namely isolationist, accommodating, autonomous, critical/interactive, and cosmopolitan multiculturalism. the solution to realizing the values of multiculturalism is to realize the values of equality in social life by eliminating all forms of differences, in other words eliminating the existence of a majority and minority class. In addition, multicultural values can be realized in society through the elimination of all forms of boundaries as a cause of differences for the sake of a single society. +
Many television shows that come from outside such as from the West have a big impact on children's knowledge about local culture where it is rarely shown on television, children will be more interested in watching cartoon shows and films that do not contain cultural values. . . Indonesia, they will grow up without knowing the diversity of Indonesian culture. And this will have an impact on the behavior of children when they grow up who will apply Western culture more in their daily lives, will be more interested in learning foreign cultures because they are used to watching them on television compared to native Indonesian culture. For this reason, it is hoped that Television Media will further increase the production of shows that introduce Indonesia's cultural diversity to all corners by presenting shows with local wisdom. So that our diverse culture will remain eternal. +
Explains how we are wiser in choosing or managing the selection of TV broadcasts that can help and hone knowledge, especially about culture and uphold a sense of nationalism. Because what you watch determines your mindset! +
Respect the differences to prevent division +
Religious diversity is very important in society including in the school environment. In a country that consists of various religions, it provides opportunities for students to learn and respect each other. In this case, religious diversity can help to improve achievement, as it positively impacts a student in various aspects of life.
First, understanding and respecting religious diversity helps to increase tolerance and mutual respect. It makes students more open and easier to work with others, regardless of their religious background. This helps to build strong relationships and mutual understanding between people, which in turn can lead to increased productivity and better cooperation outcomes.
Secondly, understanding and respecting religious diversity helps to boost creativity and innovation. This is because each religion has different views, traditions, and values, which can help to provide new ideas and different opinions in solving problems. This helps to broaden the outlook and helps to find better and innovative solutions in various situations.
Lastly, understanding and respecting religious diversity helps to promote a sense of family and unity. This is because by respecting and understanding religious diversity, we can overcome differences and build better relationships between individuals. This helps to build a more open and solid society, which can help to overcome existing problems and build a better society for everyone.
Overall, religious diversity has a very positive impact on a person and society as a whole. It helps to build tolerance, creativity, innovation, and a sense of family and unity, which in turn can help to improve achievements in various aspects of life. Therefore, it is important for everyone to understand and respect religious diversity, and ensure that everyone is accepted and understood. +
Private sector development in Southeast Asia is fundamental to boosting growth and development in many countries in the ASEAN region. The influx of startups, as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the regions, have attracted the attention of numerous global investors and venture capitalists. It will help both developing and less developed countries advance and ultimately reduce poverty, increase employment, and have various positive multiplier effects in the countries. However, there are still many SMEs that are unable to thrive and grow due to their inability to access financing from banks. This commentary focuses on the underlying reasons why some SMEs lack access to finance, specifically in Vietnam. This research Identified three underlying reasons why there is a lack of access to finance and credits in Vietnam; nepotism in the banking industry, the role of gender, and unfriendly business climate for SMEs. +
Indonesia's history has been shaped by the influence of youth, from events like Youth Pledge Day to their involvement in political movements. However, there is a perception that the current Generation Z is apathetic, particularly towards the environment. This perception is subjective and not necessarily true.
As a young person, I am aware of the political issues leading up to the 2024 elections and our apathy is influenced by the lack of good role models in politics.
Despite the belief that we can make a difference, our voices are often ignored.
To bring about change, we must unite and continue speaking out. We are not a naive generation and are open to learning. Unlike previous generations, we have the freedom to engage in politics and are passionate about driving change. +
better live without smoke than have to live without smoked meat. +
Bili-Bili is not only a dam, but also a place where the story of this area is engraved in every curve of water and trees that adorns its surroundings. This is where we can feel the breath of nature, hear the sound of the wind whispering among the leaves, and watch the sun set gracefully behind the mountains. Bili-Bili is a reflection of the beauty and tranquility hidden in the natural beauty of South Sulawesi. +
I hope that the cleanliness of this mosque will always be maintained and well cared for. I hope that this mosque will be used more often and I hope that this mosque will be even better in the future. +
jogging in the afternoon in the city park is a way to relieve fatigue and calm the mind. jogging in the afternoon is good for strengthening the body so that the body is healthy and does not get sick easily +
Pangngalleang Toppa or Toppa Hill is a natural tourist destination located in South Sulawesi, specifically in the mountainous region of Enrekang. This place is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, especially in the morning when the mist still covers the surrounding mountains and hills. From the top of Toppa Hill, visitors can enjoy vast green landscapes and the formations of mountains in the distance. +
The Old Katangka Mosque in Gowa is one of the oldest mosques in South Sulawesi, built in the 16th century with traditional architecture that reflects the Islamic history and culture of the area. +
Tanjung Layar Putih Beach in Makassar offers beautiful white sand views with clear sea water, making it the perfect place to enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility. +
My area is famous for its wide and green rice fields, where farmers diligently plant rice every planting season. Good irrigation and regular fertilization make the rice fields in my area grow fertile, producing high quality grain which is then processed into rice for daily needs. +
"Youth and politics are intricately connected in a complex relationship. In a world that is constantly evolving, the role of youth in politics is becoming increasingly crucial. However, an intriguing scenario unfolds when politics is colored by youth more focused on memes and emojis than the substance of the law.
In this fictional tale, we witness a world where the youth dominate the political stage with their unique style, using memes and emojis as expressions of their political stance. Despite the humor, these young individuals bring a fresh and innovative spirit to political discourse.
While these youth may face challenges in understanding legal intricacies, they introduce a new dynamic to politics. Throughout their journey, their understanding of politics evolves, and they learn to merge creativity with a deeper understanding.
This story not only entertains but also prompts reflection on the role of the younger generation in shaping an inclusive political future." +
Indonesia is an archipelagic country that is rich in natural resources as well as rich in ethnic diversity. The Indonesian nation is a plural nation consisting of various ethnic groups, religions and languages. This pluralism is intertwined in one bond of the Indonesian nation as a unified and sovereign nation. Article 29 of the 1945 Constitution states that the state is based on Belief in One Almighty God and the state guarantees the independence of each resident to embrace their own religion and to worship according to their religion and belief. In this plurality, Indonesia has 6 religions that are recognized by the state, namely Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus and Confucians who must respect and respect each other among religious communities in accordance with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means that we are different but still one.
Tolerance is an attitude of mutual respect and respect between groups or between individuals both in society and in other spheres. Religious tolerance, which is an attitude of mutual respect and respect among adherents of other religions, such as:
• Not forcing others to follow our religion
• Not criticizing or insulting other religions for any reason
• Not prohibiting or interfering with people of other religions from worshiping according to their respective religions or beliefs.
Indonesia is a unitary state with a variety of religions and cultures, but there are still many feuds that arise due to differences such as racism that often occurs.
This bad thing will not happen if we respect each other for all differences starting from differences in culture, beliefs and also skin color. Now is the time for us to change for the better. The majority unites with the minority in a sense of solidarity in order to achieve tolerance and harmony among religious communities around us. Let's respect and respect other religions.
The existence of religious tolerance creates mutual respect for each adherent of religion and in other words that every tolerance is very important because with tolerance we can create mutual respect between one another. Behind different backgrounds we create life in harmony.
"In fact, there is nothing detrimental to a difference, there are only benefits that can be reaped if we want to reflect on it."