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Inggris The environment as a supporter of mental health is very important to look after. In my opinion, the way to create an environment that supports mental health is to look after the environment around us, be it the natural environment, the social environment or the cultural environment. The easiest way is to keep the environment clean. so that the view is always comfortable to look at, also by maintaining relationships with each other in the community to create a peaceful atmosphere and always preserving local cultural wisdom. If this is well maintained, I think mental health has been maintained by the environment.  +
Creating a mental health-supportive environment can be achieved through simple steps. Firstly, create a comfortable environment by adding greenery, vibrant colors, and cozy furniture. Secondly, foster social interaction by making time for family and friends. Lastly, reduce stress by maintaining a balanced schedule, engaging in physical activities, and practicing relaxation techniques. By implementing these small changes, we can create an environment that supports mental health and enhances our overall well-being.  +
I still remember the first time I moved into my new home. The house felt empty and uncomfortable. I felt stressed and couldn't rest properly. But I knew I had to do something to make the house feel like home. I started by adding some green plants around the house. I chose plants that were easy to care for and could provide a fresh feel. I also added some bright colors to the walls and furniture. Gradually, the house began to feel more comfortable. However, I knew that physical comfort alone wasn't enough. I also needed to take care of my mental health. I started making time for social interactions with family and friends. I invited them over for dinner or to watch movies. As a result, I felt more connected and supported. I also realized that stress could affect my mental health. I started creating a balanced schedule and engaging in physical activities like walking or cycling. I also learned relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga. As a result, I felt more calm and happy. Now, my home feels like a real home. I feel comfortable, connected, and happy. I realize that creating an environment that supports mental health doesn't require major changes. By making a few small changes, we can create an environment that supports mental health and improves our quality of life.  +
Create comfort: Create a comfortable and calm environment by adjusting the lighting, layout and color of the room. Build good relationships: Build good relationships with the people closest to you, whether at home, at work, or at school. Support open communication: Support a culture of open, non-judgmental communication. Provide rest time: Take sufficient rest time to maintain mental health. Provide counseling services: Ensure there is easy access to qualified mental health personnel. Provide stress management training: Provide stress management training to employees. Provide psychological support: Provide psychological support to employees. Provide a friendly work environment: Create a friendly and enjoyable work environment. Provide equitable access to resources: Prioritize community well-being by providing equitable access to resources. Establish an open-door policy: Allow students to miss class without penalty if they need help. Establish a referral policy: Provide referrals to outside experts if students need additional help.  +
Mental health is essential for daily life. When our mind is calm and our heart is happy, we can be more focused, productive, and content. However, we often forget that our surroundings also have a significant impact on mental health. A comfortable and positive environment can help us feel better, while a toxic environment can lead to stress and pressure. One way to create an environment that supports mental health is by making our living or working space more comfortable. A clean, tidy, and well-lit room can improve our mood. Adding plants or decorations that bring joy can make the space feel more inviting. Additionally, a peaceful atmosphere is important to prevent mental exhaustion. Social relationships also play a big role. Being around supportive, caring, and respectful people makes us feel more comfortable. On the other hand, a stressful environment filled with negative criticism can be mentally draining. That’s why it’s important to choose healthy friendships and surroundings. Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help improve mental well-being. Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and exercising regularly can help stabilize our mood. It’s also beneficial to limit excessive social media use, as it can lead to overthinking or unhealthy comparisons with others. Lastly, if things feel overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help. Talking to friends, family, or a psychologist can be beneficial. With a good and positive environment, we can feel more at peace, happier, and live life more comfortably.  +
I feel that the environment at my school still has a lot of bullying, whether it's cyberbullying or verbal bullying. In my opinion, we can overcome this by reprimanding friends before they carry out their bullying actions. Apart from that, guidance and counseling teachers must also act at school to create a healthy environment without bullying at school.  +
Social issues in large cities, such as Makassar, have increasingly drawn public attention. Anarchic incidents like muggings, illegal fees (pungli), and aggressive beggars have made many residents feel uncomfortable carrying out their daily activities. These conditions not only create insecurity but also disrupt the order and comfort of the environment. One of the frequent issues in Makassar is the growing number of aggressive beggars, especially in tourist areas like Losari Beach. Beggars operating in public places often force visitors to give money, spoiling the atmosphere that should be pleasant. This phenomenon disturbs both tourists and local residents who want to enjoy their leisure time. To address this, local leaders need to take serious measures. One solution is to impose strict regulations regarding beggars in tourist spots. Surveillance must be enhanced, and facilities should be provided to rehabilitate beggars so they can receive social assistance and training to become self-reliant. In addition to beggars, the practice of pungli is also a major issue that troubles the public. Pungli often occurs in various forms, such as illegal parking fees or entry tickets to free events being charged by irresponsible individuals. This practice harms the community and tarnishes the image of local government. To resolve this, future leaders must decisively combat pungli by forming special task forces to monitor such activities on the ground. The public also needs to be educated about their rights so that they are less likely to become victims of pungli. Moreover, street crimes like muggings are among the most unsettling issues in Makassar. These crimes not only cause material loss but also trauma for the victims. To address this, local leaders should increase city security by enhancing police patrols, especially in crime-prone areas. However, the approach should not be limited to law enforcement. The government must also think of long-term solutions by providing education and training to communities that are vulnerable to engaging in criminal activities. Criminals often come from backgrounds with limited access to education or decent jobs, so improving the welfare of the community can be a solution to prevent future crimes. Economic factors are often the main reason why people choose anarchic paths, whether by becoming beggars, engaging in pungli, or getting involved in crime. Therefore, local leaders should focus on empowering the economy of the community. Skill training programs and job creation should be expanded so that people have better alternatives for meeting their needs. With the right policies, local governments can create a safer and more comfortable environment for their residents. Strict law enforcement, combined with sustainable economic empowerment efforts, will help reduce anarchic actions and improve the well-being of the community.  
When talking about mental health, the first thing that comes to mind for some people may be a person's emotional, psychological and social condition. In this modern era, many people experience the phenomenon of *loneliness in the crowd*. Even though they are surrounded by family, friends, or coworkers, they still feel isolated and misunderstood. This condition is often related to mental health, where someone experiences emotional stress that is not visible to others. Prolonged loneliness can trigger various mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, and even lead to a desire to isolate themselves from the social environment. People with mental disorders often face stigma and discrimination. Many consider them "different" or even "dangerous," so they are increasingly marginalized. As a result, they have difficulty getting social support that should help them recover. In fact, research shows that support from the environment can speed up the healing process for people with mental disorders. An inclusive community, open communication, and access to adequate mental health services are important factors in helping them live better lives. From a sociological perspective, social isolation in this context shows that society plays a major role in shaping an individual's mental well-being. When social norms discourage individuals from expressing their feelings or seeking help, loneliness deepens. Sociology also sees that social changes, such as urbanization and digitalization, have exacerbated this phenomenon by weakening meaningful social interactions. To address this issue, collective awareness is needed so that society is more open in discussing mental health. Emotional support, a caring environment, and eliminating stigma are key steps to ensure that no one feels alone even in a crowd.  +
LET'S CREATE A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT, TO SUPPORT MENTAL HEALTH Take care of your physical and mental health, to avoid mental health disorders. tell your burdens, don't be silent and hide your difficulties. Let's empathize with each other, support each other, starting from your surroundings. LET'S START FROM YOUR SMALL ENVIRONMENT OR COMMUNITY. mental health supports you to be more productive, focused, and keeps you away from mental health disorders. for a better and more useful life.  +
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In my opinion, a candidate for regional leadership should prioritize local economic development, improving the quality of education, and better healthcare access. Additionally, infrastructure improvements and environmental preservation should be key focuses to ensure sustainable development.  +
Creating a supportive environment for mental health is essential to maintaining balance and happiness in life. Adequate lighting, Comfortable temperature, Cleanliness and tidiness, Plants, Social support, Effective communication, Enjoyable activities, Time for yourself, Managing stress, Accepting yourself, Developing self-awareness, Seeking professional help By creating a supportive environment for mental health, you can improve your quality of life and reduce your risk of mental health problems.  +
Take care of your mental health by managing stress, seeking support, and practicing self-care.  +
•Manage Stress Well. •Reducing the Negative Impact of Technology. •Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle.  +
In today’s era, many families eat while being busy with their own gadgets. However, I believe that eating together can be an important moment to build communication within the family. To make this habit happen more often, parents can set simple rules at home, such as "no phones at the dining table" and encourage all family members to talk about their day. This way, family relationships will become stronger, and children will feel more emotionally supported.  +
Talking about mental health is super important. We hear all the time about people feeling stressed, anxious, or even depressed. I think to create a supportive environment for mental health, we don't need to go overboard. The key is to start small, with ourselves and the people closest to us. For instance, let's try to be more aware of those around us. Sometimes a simple smile, a "Hey, how are you?", or just offering to help can mean a lot. We don't need to be psychologists, but showing empathy and care goes a long way. Imagine if everyone in our circle looked out for each other - it would create a much warmer and more comfortable vibe. And, in my opinion, a supportive environment for mental health also needs to create space for people to express themselves. We shouldn't make people feel pressured to always appear strong or perfect. We need to give them a chance to share their feelings and experiences without being judged. This can be done by creating safe and open communication spaces, like discussion groups or communities focused on mental health. On top of that, I think a healthy environment also provides easy access to professional help. We shouldn't let people who need psychological or psychiatric support struggle to find it. The government and private organizations should work together to improve access and affordability of mental health services. We can't have it where only the wealthy can afford it. The bottom line is, creating a supportive environment for mental health is a shared responsibility. Starting with small things, like showing care, giving space for expression, making professional help accessible, and supporting a healthy lifestyle, we can build a society that's mentally healthier.  +
Membangun lingkungan yang mendukung kesehatan mental adalah upaya bersama yang melibatkan berbagai aspek kehidupan. Berikut beberapa langkah yang dapat kita ambil: Mempromosikan kesadaran mental: Penting untuk meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan mental dan mengurangi stigma yang melekat padanya. Kita dapat melakukan ini melalui kampanye edukasi, diskusi terbuka, dan berbagi pengalaman pribadi. Menciptakan ruang aman: Membangun lingkungan yang inklusif dan terbuka di mana individu merasa nyaman untuk berbicara tentang kesehatan mental mereka sangat penting. Ini berarti menciptakan ruang aman di rumah, sekolah, tempat kerja, dan komunitas. Membangun dukungan sosial: Dukungan dari keluarga, teman, dan komunitas memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga kesehatan mental. Kita dapat mendorong hubungan yang sehat, membangun jaringan sosial, dan menawarkan bantuan kepada mereka yang membutuhkan. Mempromosikan gaya hidup sehat: Aktivitas fisik, pola makan yang seimbang, dan istirahat yang cukup dapat meningkatkan kesehatan mental. Kita dapat mendorong kebiasaan hidup sehat dan menyediakan sumber daya yang mendukungnya. Menawarkan akses ke layanan kesehatan mental: Penting untuk memastikan bahwa semua orang memiliki akses ke layanan kesehatan mental yang berkualitas. Ini termasuk meningkatkan jumlah tenaga profesional kesehatan mental, menyediakan layanan yang terjangkau, dan mempromosikan program pencegahan. Ingat, menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung kesehatan mental adalah proses yang berkelanjutan. Kita semua memiliki peran dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih peduli, inklusif, dan ramah terhadap kesehatan mental.  +